Homeless & ReEntry Helpers Information
www.HomelessHelpers.com  &  www.ReEntryHelpers.com
7528 Pendleton Pike, Indianapolis, IN 46226 USA
(317) 547-1910
Voice | 317-547-0700 Fax | Mr@DonHawkins.com Email

Weekly Newsletter 27Mar08
We introduced our new web site a couple of days ago and have received
 a very favorable response.  No criticism yet, but have had several good suggestions.
The web site address is: www.ReEntryHelpers.com.
It can also be reached via:

Please visit the web site and look around.  I have attached notes
to the various pages of the site and hope they are self explanatory of their intent.
If not, please either; give me a call, or email on your thoughts.
Remember it is still under construction and the "Bulleting Board" section
for jobs and housing will not be completed until sometime in late April.

N e w s:
We would like to thank the Superintendent, Wendy Knight and her staff at the
Plainfield Correctional Facility for the Volunteers Recognition Dinner
they put on for their volunteers last Tuesday the 25th of March.
Click here to view the pictures

O u r  E m a i l i n g   L i s t:
If you know someone that you think should be on our
email list please email me and I will contact them.
This web site is being designed to help you help others.
If you have any further suggestions, please do not hesitate to give me a call.
Sincerely, Don Hawkins