Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc.
7528 Pendleton Pike, Indianapolis, IN 46226 USA
(317) 547-0500
Voice | 317-547-0700 Fax | Hawkins@IndianaHelpers.com

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Weekly Newsletter 21 July 08 for www.IndianaHelpers.com
Please pass this Newsletter on to others in Our Industry - This information is meant to be SHARED.  Thank You.

Emailed today to 1,111 email address in our Industry.  The deadline for our next Newsletter is the end of the day each Friday.
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Editor's Notes -
Because you asked, we have put together a brochure that you can pass out to your clients or potential volunteers, teachers, tutors, mentors, etc.  Click on: HRH's Brochure
Our Events Calendar -
27Jul08 Sunday - THE TIE DYE GRILL at 1311 N. Shadeland Ave. is sponsoring a fundraiser for Officer Jason Fishburn and his  Family - All items are donated so all money goes to the family | There will be a Blood Bank, Clowns, Musicians, Hot Dogs, Ice Cream and Peace on the East Side! | This is sponsored by Shayne and Jan Dye, owners of the Tie Dye Grill with the support of the Eastgate Neighborhood Association. | Please Plan to Attend and Show Your Support from 11:00 AM to 3L00 PM | Click for a PDF Flyer
Our News -
21Jul08 Monday - Councillor Marilyn Pfisterer has initiated a proposal intended to help find gainful employment for the 500 ex-offenders that are released in Marion County every month. "This proposal is a bi-partisan effort that is intended to help impact the crime rate in Marion County by helping previously incarcerated people find jobs instead of turning back to a life of crime." says Councilor Pfisterer - Proposal No. 296, 2008 requires the City of Indianapolis/Marion County Purchasing division to grant preference to businesses that have programs for the hiring of previously incarcerated persons.  Councillor Pfisterer said that Marion County receives the highest number of ex-offenders in the entire state of Indiana.  The proposal passed out of the Administration and Finance Committee on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 and will be heard at the full Council on Monday July 21, 2008. | If you are interested is supporting her proposal you might want to be there at 7:00 PM on Monday evening |
Click on Press Release
Our Job Fairs Calendar -
23Jul08 Wednesday - The Indiana Restaurant Association - has partnered with the Employment Guide and the Indiana Hotel & Lodging Association for the Indianapolis Hospitality Career Fair, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM - Crowne Plaza Hotel, Indianapolis Union Station
30Jul08 Wednesday - Correctional Officer Applicants Indianapolis Juvenile Correctional Facility, 2596 Girls School Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46214 | 11:00am - 6:00pm - Applicants need to have their applications online prior to the job fair to receive an interview. Applicants should bring their driver’s license and high school diploma to the job fair.
12Aug08 Tuesday - Indianapolis Job Fair - 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM Sheraton Hotel City Centre, 31 W Ohio St., Indianapolis, IN 46204
Our Needs -
The Pendleton Correctional Facility has immediate needs for volunteers that can teach musical instruments, and any kind of musical Instruments you may have that are still in good working order that you may want to donate to the prison - they are also looking for all types of arts and crafts supplies for their Arts and Crafts classes.

Plainfield ReEntry Educational Facility (PREF) is looking for all types of nursery items for its new Nurseries at the Indiana Women's Prisons and the Plainfield ReEntry Educational Facility.  For more information and a list of items needed, please Click on: PDF Flyer for the PREF Nursery
Plainfield ReEntry Educational Facility (PREF) is looking for hygiene items, men's cloths - Shirt, pants, shoes, etc. - Especially the larger sizes XL and 2XL.  Click here for a PDF flyer for Clothing
Plainfield Reception Diagnostic Center (RDC) - Lisa Powers, RDC's Public Information Officer is currently in need of men’s clothing (for offender releases). All sizes of pants, jeans, shirts, sweatshirts, coats, jackets, undergarments and shoes are all needed.  She can be reached at: 317-839-7727 # 3005.
Our Helpers Press Releases -
None this week
Our Helpers Calendars - (That they want you to check regularly)
WorkOne - East WorkOne - West  |  Wayne Township Schools
Our Helpers Regularly Scheduled Meetings - (That they would like for you to attend)
C.H.I.P.  |  The H.O.P.E. Team  |  M.O.V.E.  |
Our Quick Topics Page -
Our Quick Topics Page is as complete as we can get it without your further help.  This "Single Source" information page contains information on over 140 TOPICS from Adoption, Aids/HIV to Victim Assistance & Voters Registration.  It is meant to help you find basic information on goods, services, and information - FAST.  If you have anything to add to Our Quick Reference Page, or you find something wrong on the page, please send us an email.  Thank you.
Our Research & Reference Info -
Need information on the Homeless or ReEntry Industry?  Click on: Our Research & Reference Page
Our Volunteers & Helpers Wanted Page -
WE NEED YOUR HELP! Our prisons in Indianapolis, Plainfield, and Pendleton are in need of persons that can serve "inside" the prison system as Teachers, Tutors, Mentors and Instructors.  If you would like to be a volunteer (Helper), please give us a call at 317-547-0500, or Click on: Indiana D.O.C. for additional information, or Click on: Indiana D.O.C. Volunteer Form.
If you have missed any of our Newsletters, they can be viewed on-line by clicking on our Newsletters link.
Our Newsletter and your email address will not be used for any political, and/or commercial (for-profit) purposes.
Your email address will be used for HRH purposes only, and will not be sold or distributed to anyone for any reason.
Copyright © 2007-2008 by Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc., 7528 Pendleton Pike, Indianapolis, IN 46226 USA
For suggestions or questions regarding this Newsletter please contact
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