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Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc.
7528 Pendleton Pike, Indianapolis, IN 46226 USA
(317) 547-0500
Voice | 317-547-0700 Fax | Info@IndianaHelpers.com

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Weekly Newsletter 1 September 08 for www.IndianaHelpers.com
Please pass this Newsletter on to others in Our Industry - This information is meant to be SHARED.  Thank You.

Emailed today to 1,488 email addresses in our Industry.  The deadline for our next Newsletter is the end of the day each Friday.
Sign Up for Our Newsletter HRH's Brochure Submit Events & Suggestions Sign Up Your Organization
Editor's Notes -
Update on Web Site - We have compiled over 500 local service providers (185 Topics - 30 Categories) in the "Indy Metro Area" that say they have resources to help the homeless and those in and out of the prison system.  The data base is almost complete and we anticipate that all of this information will be added to our site by the 8th of September.  Please check the web site regularly.

Updated Brochure - Several Service Providers have told me they wanted to start passing out our brochures but there was no space for their name on them.  We have rearranged the front of HRH's Brochure leaving space for Service Provider to add their name, address, phone number, etc.   Thanks for the suggestion.....
Our News -
Mayor's Employment Fair - The numbers for the Mayor Ballard's First ExOffender Employment Fair are in, and again we would like to take this opportunity to applaud Mayor Ballard and his ReEntry Team of Organ Williams, Khadijah  Muhammad, and the Members of the Mayor's Task Force on ReEntry, for their past efforts and more importantly, their plans for future Employment Fairs.  The Mayor has indicated that he would like to have Employment Fairs for ExOffenders at least four times per year.  If this turns out to be the case, he and his Team can definitely make a difference in helping to cut down on recidivism for productive members our community.  And yes, it was their first job fair, and a yes it was a learning experience, but I truly believe that the job fairs for ExOffenders in the future, will be very rewarding and very productive for everyone involved.   
Results: 1) Total ExOffenders that pre-registered 448; 2) Total Walk-ins that did not pre-register 630 (419 on Monday and 211 on Tuesday); 3) Total that took advantage of the Workshops 517; 4) Total that visited with a potential employers 477; Total that have been employed as a result of the Employment Fair 50 so far.  Not bad for the first, and the limited amount of time they had to work with.  Don Hawkins
Our Events Calendar -

2Sep08 Tuesday (also on the 10th, 17th & 24th)- Reach For Youth, a United Way of Central Indiana organization - Cordially invite you to join them for an informational tour of their Washington Township facility to learn about Teen Court and tour our court room!  Reach For Youth gives first-time non-violent youth offenders a second chance to get on the right track. We keep once expelled students from giving up on education and dropping out. And we help youth and their families deal with substance abuse and the process of redirecting their lives.  | Please see the PDF Invitation or please RSVP to Dianne Matthews at your earliest convenience: dmatthews@reachforyouth.org or call 317-920-5900, Thank you, Sarah Rossier.

2Sep08 Tuesday - Warren Township Trustee's Office - A representative from the Kool Smiles Dental Program will be in our lobby on Tuesday, September 2, from 9:00 a.m. to noon with information regarding free or low-cost dental care for children ages 1 to 21. Be sure to stop by! | Carrie Radabaugh, MPP, Community Outreach Coordinator, Warren Township Trustee's Office | 317-327-8954
11Sep08 Thursday - HVAF of Indiana is sponsoring this years Veterans Stand Down - The Stand Down will take place at AMVETS Post 99.  They provide services to homeless veterans, near homeless veterans and their families | For additional information, click on: Media Advisory Information | HVAF Stand Down Flyer | or call Tina Shelly or Courtenay Nold at 317-951-0688
16Sep08 Tuesday - National Step Up for Kids Day - This is a non-partisan, national event to draw attention to issues affecting America's children including poverty, healthcare, juvenile  incarceration, early care and education, child abuse, and afterschool programs.  Click here for a PDF Flyer.
25Sep08 Thursday - Use What You Got Ministries - On behalf of the Board of Directors, Cecelia Whitfield Founder & Executive Director would like to invite you and your staff/church to our 3rd Annual Award’s Dinner.  Our Theme: “People Can Change”  Our speakers are: Maxine Bryant & Angela Johnson.  | For additional information click on Award's Dinner Flyer
2 & 3 Oct08 - IUPUI - will be holding a conference entitled, “The Inside-Out Prison Exchange: Expanding the Boundaries of Learning” at the IUPUI campus in Indianapolis, Indiana | For more information, please contact us at: inout@iupui.edu.  Registration materials will soon be available through that address. The cost of the conference is free for students, $10.00 for everyone else. | For additional information click on PDF Flyer
11Oct08 Saturday - Neighborhood Networks Presents - Give a Second Chance ..  Get a Second Chance! | A forum that is for people with felony convictions presented by people with felony convictions | Confirmed Special Guests: Shelia Raye Charles (daughter of the last Ray Charles) & Brother Ellsworth Johnson-Bey (noted author and national speaker) | Saturday 11th, 2008 | 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM | Ivy Tech Community College, 50 W Fall Creek Parkway N Dr. in Indianapolis | You can: Register on Line or call: 317-328-8995 | To download additional information: Click on Second Chance PDF Flyer
Our Job Fairs Calendar -

IN DOC Job Fairs | Jobs Listed in the Indy Star  |  NUVO - Jobs in Indy  |  American Classified - Jobs in Indy
Our FYI Page - Over 150 Topics in 30 categories
Our FYI Page is a list of Topics that can be printed out for easy reference.  This "Single Source" information page contains information from Adoption, Aids/HIV to Victim Assistance & Voters Registration.  It is meant to help you find basic information on goods, services, and information - FAST.  If you have anything to add to Our Quick Reference Page, or you find something wrong on the page, please email me at Hawkins@IndianaHelpers.com.  Thank you.
Our Needs -
Plainfield Correctional Facility (PCF or IYC) -
1)  ArtArts and Craft Leader Needed - to help our PLUS program with Community Service Projects.  2)  Volunteers &  Mentors - to help our PLUS Program participants. | Please contact Tracey Ridge, Program Director | at 317-839-2513 # 1371 or 1501

The Pendleton Correctional Facility -
Volunteers that can teach musical instruments, and any kind of musical Instruments you may have that are still in good working order that you may want to donate to the prison - they are also looking for all types of arts and crafts supplies for their Arts and Crafts classes.

Plainfield ReEntry Educational Facility (PREF) -
Looking for all types of nursery items for its new Nurseries at the Indiana Women's Prison and the Plainfield ReEntry Educational Facility.  For more information and a list of items needed, please Click on: PDF Flyer for the PREF Nursery

Plainfield ReEntry Educational Facility (PREF) -
Looking for hygiene items, men's clothes - Shirts, pants, shoes, etc. - Especially the larger sizes XL and 2XL.  Click here for a PDF flyer for Clothing

Plainfield Reception Diagnostic Center (RDC) -
Lisa Powers, RDC's Public Information Officer, is currently in need of men’s clothing (for offender releases). All sizes of pants, jeans, shirts, sweatshirts, coats, jackets, undergarments and shoes are all needed.  She can be reached at: 317-839-7727 # 3005.

The Marion County ReEntry Court (REC) -
Candy Needed, based on the problem solving court model that uses incentives and sanctions in order to modify participant behavior. A common incentive which is given to participants who are in compliance with the program is candy.  We are in need of candy bar donations for the ReEntry Court.  To donate candies contact Jennifer Fillmore at 317-327-4917.  To find out more information about our court please go to
Superior Court ReEntry Programs

The Marion County ReEntry Court (REC) -
In need of personal care items for participants.  Items can include: shampoo, conditioner, laundry soap, soap, shaving crème, razors, etc. REC has raffle drawings for participants in the “good group” once a month and we are giving away “Care Packages”.  Please call 327-4917 if you are interested in giving.
Our Helpers Press Releases -
Office of the Mayor |
Our Helpers Calendars & Newsletters - They want you to check regularly
WorkOne - East WorkOne - West  |  Wayne Township Schools - Adult Basic Education Aug08  | Warren Township Aug08 Newsletter
Our Helpers Regularly Scheduled Meetings - They would like for you to attend
Weekly - M.O.V.E.  |

Monthly - |  C.H.I.P. - C.H.I.P.'s Calendar
Our Research & Reference Info - (The more your know, the more you can help)
Need information on the Homeless or ReEntry Industry?  Click on: Our Research & Reference Page
Our Volunteers & Helpers Wanted Page - WE NEED YOUR HELP!
Our prisons in Indianapolis, Plainfield, and Pendleton are in need of persons that can serve "inside" the prison system as Teachers, Tutors, Mentors and Instructors.  If you would like to be a volunteer (Helper), please Click on HRH's Contact-Us Page, or call Don Hawkins at 317-547-0500 #11 and he can help direct you to an organization that can use your special services and talents.  To contact the Indiana Department of Correction directly, Please click on: Indiana D.O.C. for additional information, or Click on: Indiana D.O.C. Volunteer Form.
If you have missed any of our Newsletters, they can be viewed on-line by clicking on our Newsletters link.
Our Newsletter and your email address will not be used for any political, and/or commercial (for-profit) purposes.
Your email address will be used for HRH purposes only, and will not be sold or distributed to anyone for any reason.
Copyright © 2007-2008 by Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc., 7528 Pendleton Pike, Indianapolis, IN 46226 USA
For suggestions or questions regarding this Newsletter please contact Don Hawkins at:
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