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Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc.
7528 Pendleton Pike, Indianapolis, IN 46226 USA
(317) 547-0500
Voice | 317-547-0700 Fax | Info@IndianaHelpers.com

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29 September '08 - HRH's Weekly Newsletter for www.IndianaHelpers.com
Please pass this Newsletter on to others in Our Industry - This information is meant to be SHARED.  Thank You.

Emailed to 1,594 email addresses in our Industry.  The deadline for our next Newsletter is the end of the day each Friday.
Sign Up for Our Newsletter HRH's Brochure Submit Events & Suggestions Sign Up Your Organization

Editor's Notes

Did you know you can print Our "Quick Topics" section and carry it with you for easy reference.  It currently contains over 150 topics, listing goods and services that are needed by persons that are homeless and in and out of jail/prison.  Most Topics list the complete address, phone, fax email address and web site address of those Service Providers that can offer help.  Within the next couple of weeks HRH will have a smaller version, listing individual Service Providers for your particular needs.  These information booklets will be made available to the jails, prisons, pastors, case workers, and other Service Providers as "Pass Outs" for their clients.  For more information on this upcoming service, please give us a call, or keep checking your Weekly Newsletter.

HRH has approved Our Board of Directors and are looking forward to working with them.
1)  Rhiannon Williams, Executive Director, PACE/OAR, Inc.
2)  Bill Vernon, President, Omega Design Studio, Inc.
3)  Gregg Keesling, President & CEO, WorkForce, Inc.
4)  Carlette Duffy, Community Coordinator, AfterCare for IN thru Mentoring (A.I.M.)
5)  Maxine Bryant, President, Bryant Educational Seminars & Training, Inc.
6)  Pending
7)  Charlie Yant - President, Hands of Hope Ministries, Inc.
8)  Joyce Yant - Vice-President, Hands of Hope Ministries, Inc.
9)  Don Hawkins - Chairman & CEO, Other Peoples Properties, Inc.

HRH's Web Site Update - We have had to delay again the publishing of our data base until next weekend.  Please check the web site regularly.  Sorry again for the delay.

Our News


Our Events Calendar

2 & 3 Oct08 - IUPUI - will be holding a conference entitled, “The Inside-Out Prison Exchange: Expanding the Boundaries of Learning” at the IUPUI campus in Indianapolis, Indiana | For more information, please contact us at: inout@iupui.edu.  Registration materials will soon be available through that address. The cost of the conference is free for students, $10.00 for everyone else. | For additional information click on PDF Flyer
8Oct08 Wednesday - C.H.I.P. is hosing a reception - The keynote speaker is Judy O'Bannon - C.H.I.P. invites you to join them in the fight to end homelessness by supporting the Blueprint Celebration.  They will recognize the individuals and organizations that have made a significant impact on the effort to end and prevent homelessness in out community | From 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. at the Indiana State Museum. | For more information, click on: C.H.I.P.
11Oct08 Saturday - Neighborhood Networks Presents - Give a Second Chance ..  Get a Second Chance! | A forum for people with felony convictions that is being presented for people with felony convictions | Confirmed Special Guests: Shelia Raye Charles (daughter of the last Ray Charles) & Brother Ellsworth Johnson-Bey (noted author and national speaker) | Saturday 11th, 2008 | 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM | Ivy Tech Community College, 50 W Fall Creek Parkway N Dr. in Indianapolis | You can: Register on Line or call: 317-328-8995 | To download additional information: Click on Second Chance PDF Flyer
19Nov08 Wednesday - Indiana Multicultural Career Fair - Presenting the 17th Annual, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) - Campus Center, Indianapolis, IN | from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM | Over 80 Employers Expected With Opportunities In: Accounting ~ Finance ~ Sales ~ Marketing ~ Engineering ~ Technology ~ Computer Science ~ Communication ~ Healthcare ~ Management ~ Government ~ Non-Profit ~ and many more!

Our Job Fairs Calendar & Classified Ads for Jobs

23Oct08 Thursday - Monster.com - Meet with top employers from Indianapolis at the...  Indianapolis Job Fair | Sheraton Hotel City Centre, 31 W Ohio St., Indianapolis, IN 46204 | from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM | Get additional information and directions 317-635-2000.
WorkOne's IndianaCareenConnect.com  |  IN DOC Job Fairs  |  State of Indiana Jobs  |  City of Indy & M/C Jobs  |  Indy Star - Jobs in Indy  |  NUVO - Jobs in Indy  |  American Classified - Jobs in Indy  |  Kijiji - Jobs in Indy  |  Indianapolis Recorder - Jobs in Indy  |  Indy Employment Guide - Jobs in Indy  |  Indiana Job Fairs  |

Our Quick Topics Page - Over 150 Topics in 30 categories

Our Quick Topics Page is a list of Topics that can be printed out for easy reference.  This "Single Source" information page contains information from Adoption, Aids/HIV to Victim Assistance & Voters Registration.  It is meant to help you find basic information on goods, services, and information - FAST.  If you have anything to add to Our Quick Reference Page, or you find something wrong on the page, please email me at Hawkins@IndianaHelpers.com.  Thank you.

Our Helpers Press Releases

Office of the Mayor | City County Council

Our Helpers Calendars & Newsletters - They want you to check regularly

WorkOne - East WorkOne - West  |  Wayne Township Schools - Adult Basic Education 3Sep08 thru 31Jan09 | Warren Township 7Sep08 NewsletterBOI - Business Ownership Initiative Upcoming Schedule of WorkShops

Our Helpers Regularly Scheduled Meetings - They would like for you to attend

Weekly - M.O.V.E.  |
Monthly - |  C.H.I.P. - C.H.I.P.'s Calendar

Our Research & Reference Info - The more your know, the more you can help.

Need information on the Homeless or ReEntry Industry?  Click on: Our Research & Reference Page

Our Needs - Our Helpers need Help Too!

Meet Me Under The Bridge - On Sunday afternoons a group of volunteers team up to feed the homeless at Willard Park in the downtown area. They start feeding at 3:00 pm.  All the food is hot and homemade by their group.  After they are done there they move to Washington and Rural to the parking lot at the library.  They are currently feeding between 150 & 200 people every Sunday.  If you are interested in helping out, and you want more information please don't hesitate to contact Kim at 317-222-8741, or email her at: always_pray@comcast.net.
Plainfield Correctional Facility (PCF or IYC) -
1)  ArtArts and Craft Leader Needed - to help our PLUS program with Community Service Projects.  2)  Volunteers &  Mentors - to help our PLUS Program participants. | Please contact Tracey Ridge, Program Director | at 317-839-2513 # 1371 or 1501

The Pendleton Correctional Facility -
Volunteers that can teach musical instruments, and any kind of musical Instruments you may have that are still in good working order that you may want to donate to the prison - they are also looking for all types of arts and crafts supplies for their Arts and Crafts classes.

Plainfield ReEntry Educational Facility (PREF) -
Looking for all types of nursery items for its new Nurseries at the Indiana Women's Prison and the Plainfield ReEntry Educational Facility.  For more information and a list of items needed, please Click on: PDF Flyer for the PREF Nursery

Plainfield ReEntry Educational Facility (PREF) -
Looking for hygiene items, men's clothes - Shirts, pants, shoes, etc. - Especially the larger sizes XL and 2XL.  Click here for a PDF flyer for Clothing

Plainfield Reception Diagnostic Center (RDC) -
Lisa Powers, RDC's Public Information Officer, is currently in need of men’s clothing (for offender releases). All sizes of pants, jeans, shirts, sweatshirts, coats, jackets, undergarments and shoes are all needed.  She can be reached at: 317-839-7727 # 3005.

The Marion County ReEntry Court (REC) -
Candy Needed, based on the problem solving court model that uses incentives and sanctions in order to modify participant behavior. A common incentive which is given to participants who are in compliance with the program is candy.  We are in need of candy bar donations for the ReEntry Court.  To donate candies contact Jennifer Fillmore at 317-327-4917.  To find out more information about our court please go to
Superior Court ReEntry Programs

The Marion County ReEntry Court (REC) -
In need of personal care items for participants.  Items can include: shampoo, conditioner, laundry soap, soap, shaving crème, razors, etc. REC has raffle drawings for participants in the “good group” once a month and we are giving away “Care Packages”.  Please call 327-4917 if you are interested in giving.

Our Volunteers & Helpers Always Wanted Page - WE NEED YOUR HELP!

Our prisons in Indianapolis, Plainfield, and Pendleton are in need of persons that can serve "inside" the prison system as Teachers, Tutors, Mentors and Instructors.  If you would like to be a volunteer (Helper), please Click on HRH's Contact-Us Page, or call Don Hawkins at 317-547-0500 #11 and he can help direct you to an organization that can use your special services and talents.  To contact the Indiana Department of Correction directly, Please click on: Indiana D.O.C. for additional information, or Click on: Indiana D.O.C. Volunteer Form.
If you have missed any of our Newsletters, they can be viewed on-line by clicking on our Newsletters link.
Our Newsletter and your email address will not be used for any political, and/or commercial (for-profit) purposes.
Your email address will be used for HRH purposes only, and will not be sold or distributed to anyone for any reason.
Copyright © 2007-2008 by Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc., 7528 Pendleton Pike, Indianapolis, IN 46226 USA
For suggestions or questions regarding this Newsletter please contact Don Hawkins at:
All Rights Reserved - Click here to view Our Disclaimer