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Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc.
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(317) 547-0500
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HRH's Reminder Bulletin from www.IndianaHelpers.com - 7 October '08
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Sheila Rye Charles Concert - Tonight
10Oct08 Friday Night - Sheila Raye Charles
Presented by: B.E.S.T., M.O.V.E., Inc. and THE WAY
THE WAY at Scott UM Church, 2153 Dr. Andrew J Brown Ave.
7:00 PM | $15.00 Contribution
Last Chance to Pre-Register for Tomorrow's Conference

11Oct08 Saturday Morning - Neighborhood Networks Presents - Give a Second Chance ..  Get a Second Chance!
A forum for people with felony convictions that is being presented for people with felony convictions | Confirmed Special Guests: Shelia Raye Charles (daughter of the last Ray Charles) & Brother Ellsworth Johnson-Bey (noted author and national speaker). This inspirational, informational, re-directional, energizing conference is designed specifically for people with felony convictions. We’ve been talking about them and to them too long. It’s time for a forum that is for people with felony convictions presented by people with felony convictions.

Shelia Raye Charles, daughter of the late Ray Charles Ms. Charles has a felony conviction and is an ex-substance abuse user. Her story is one of pain and of victory. An engaging speaker and awesome songstress, Sheila is simply captivating, inspirational, and invigorating!
Brother Ellsworth Johnson-Bey, noted author and national speaker Brother Bey is a prolific speaker who has over 50 years experience with the criminal justice system—as a client, a student, a practitioner, and a researcher. He knows first-hand the pitfalls that keep people in a cycle of re-offending and he knows first-hand how to break the cycle.

8:00 AM to 3:00 PM | Ivy Tech Community College, 50 W Fall Creek Parkway N Dr. in Indianapolis | You can: Register on Line or call: 317-328-8995 | To download additional information: Click on Second Chance PDF Flyer

Copyright © 2007-2008 by Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc., 7528 Pendleton Pike, Indianapolis, IN 46226 USA
For suggestions or questions regarding this Newsletter please contact Don Hawkins at:
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