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Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc.
3936 Pendleton Way, Indianapolis, IN 46226 USA
(317) 547-0500
Voice | 317-547-0700 Fax | Info@IndianaHelpers.com

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HRH's Weekly Newsletter from www.IndianaHelpers.com - 16 February '09
Please pass this Newsletter on to others in Our Industry - This information is meant to be SHARED.  Thank You.

Emailed to 1,850 email addresses in Our Industry.  The deadline for our next Newsletter is the end of the day each Friday.
Sign Up for Our Newsletter HRH's Brochure Submit Events & Suggestions Sign Up Your Organization

Editor's Notes

We have added over 625 organization to our web site so far - with at least 200 more still to be added.  If you do not want to wait until we call your organization for verification, please give us a call and we will assign you a log-in and password, and tell you how to add and/or change the information on your organizations file.

Our News You Can Use

Tax Service for Low Income Residents - Interested in a new volunteer experience?  Contact Indy's Campaign for Financial Fitness and learn how to prepare taxes and help families work towards financial stability. | It’s not just the free tax preparation; it is entry into a city wide network of financial education and financial literacy resources.  Nine tax sites located in Indy neighborhoods are providing free tax preparation, referral to low and no cost banking, free credit reports, credit repair, home ownership stability, and working family support systems.  Help low to moderate income families (individuals) avoid tax prep charges and high interest loans.  Tax filers should call 211 for locations and times. | For additional information, contact: Joni Albright at 317-962-5766 | Download a Flyer
CELL PHONES ARE GOING PUBLIC - This is a false statement/alarm - I received several emails last week telling me this information was not true.  Please visit Snoops Web Site for details.  Sorry for the confusion.  Don

Our Events Calendar

20Feb09 Offender Re-Entry Forum - Emmaus Christian Church - Do you, a business owner or concerned citizen want to get involved?, Do you know someone with a criminal background seeking employment or housing?,  Do you have an old conviction still blocking your path to employment?, Are you recently released, homeless and unemployed?, Are you trying to help an incarcerated, soon to be released loved one and don’t know where to turn?, Are “you” in position to help connect the dots?, If you answer yes to any of these questions, this is the forum for you! | Starts at 6:00pm at the Emmaus Christian Church in the Lafayette Square Mall, 3919 N. Lafayette Road | For More information, click on Forum Flyer or call: 317-686-7303.
23Feb09 - The Hospitality Certification Program - is a 10-week class that teaches homeless or formerly-homeless participants a variety of skills, ranging from soft skills like customer service to more technical ones. The program begins the week of February 23rd. At the end, graduates will receive a certificate verifying they have the training needed to land a job. | For more information, contact: Sarah Cleveland, Care Coordinator, Hospitality Certification Program | 317-931-3055 # 1762

20Mar09 - Indy Homeless Connect presented by C.H.I.P. - Indiana Convention Center between 9: AM & 4: PM | For more information visit CHIP's Web Site.
30Mar09 thru 5Apr09 - Spring College Tour 2009 - YMCA Urban Mission Branch is sponsoring this years Spring College Tour.  | For additional information, contact: Nicole Rowan, 615 North Alabama Street, #400, Indianapolis, IN 46204 | 317-713-8574 voice, 317-269-6068 fax nrowan@indymca.org | Download a Flyer
26Apr09 - HVAF of Indiana, Inc.’s 3rd Annual Walk/Jog-a-Thon - to Benefit Homeless Veterans and Families will be held on Sunday, at 964 N. Pennsylvania St. Registration will begin at 9:00 am.  For more information please contact Tina Shelley at 951-0688 # 227, or by email at tshelley@hvaf.org.

Our Job Fairs Calendar & Classified Ads for Jobs

22Apr09 - Operation: Hire A Hoosier Vet career fair - will be held at Stout Field, Building #9 in Indianapolis on Wednesday the 22nd of April from 0900 hours - 1500 hours | For more details, please contact 317-988-2415 | Download a flyer
For Jobs & Employment (Careers), click here: WorkOne's IndianaCareerConnect.com | IN DOC Job Fairs | State of IN Jobs | City of Indy & M/C Jobs | Indy Star (CareerBuilder) - Jobs in Indy | NUVO - Jobs in Indy | American Classified - Jobs in Indy | Kijiji - Jobs in Indy | Indianapolis Recorder - Jobs in Indy | Indy Employment Guide - Jobs in Indy | Indiana Job Fairs | Other Jobs Web Sites | Monster - Jobs Nationwide | Connect2Help Job Search Suggestions | Remember, Temporary & Part-Time Jobs can lead to Gainful and Full-Time Employment.

Our Quick Topics Page

Our Quick Topics - Print Out Page is a list of Topics that can be printed out for easy reference.  This "Single Source" information page contains information from Adoption, Aids/HIV to Victim Assistance & Voters Registration.  You can print it and carry it with you for easy reference.

Our State Legislators & Government Officials Web Sites

Do you want or need to contact one of your elected officials, just click on the link to his or her web site.
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels | Indianapolis Mayor Gregory Ballard | Senator Richard Lugar | Senator Evan Bayh | Congressman Dan Burton, Indiana's 5th District | Congressman Andre Carson, Indiana's 7th District | Congressman Mike Pence, Indiana's 6th District |

Our Helpers Press Releases - They would like for you to read..

Office of the Mayor | City County Council

Our Helpers Calendars & Newsletters - They would like for you to read.

WorkOne - East WorkOne - West  |  Wayne Township Schools - Adult Basic Education 3Sep08 thru 31Jan09 | Warren Township's latest NewsletterBusiness Ownership Initiative - Upcoming Schedule of Work Shops | CHIP's 3rd Quarter Newsletter | Charitable Advisors - latest Not-for-Profit E-Newsletter | McCoy - latest Newsletter | Justice Center, ReEntry Policy Council - latest Newsletter | HVAF of Indiana |

Our Helpers Regularly Scheduled Meetings - They would like for you to attend

Meets Weekly - M.O.V.E. (meeting will start up again in the Spring) |
Meets Monthly - |  C.H.I.P. - C.H.I.P.'s Calendar |  

Our Research & Reference Info - The more you know, the more you can help.

Need information on the Homeless and/or ReEntry Industry?  Click out: Our Research & Reference Page

Our Needs - Our Helpers need Help Too!

NEW CASTLE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY - is in need of music equipment, complete sound system, vocal mike's, mike stands, mike cables, stage monitors, main speakers, drums or keyboard. Will accept new or used in good working condition. We need this equipment for chapel services, chapel choir and musical events. Any and all donations will be truly appreciated. Contact Rodney Allen, Chaplain / music director at 765-969-5331, or Email him at: rsmow99@hotmail.com
CRAINE HOUSE'S PANTRY IS GETTING PRETTY LOW - and they like to keep a well rounded food pantry for emergencies, and new residents. We want to make sure all of the families we serve have plenty of food.  Ideal items are of course those things that are non-perishable such as canned fruit, vegetables, and soups. What is also wonderful to have on hand are full meals, especially those that only require water. Some examples are box dinners, noodles and sauce, pancake mix (that only needs water) and syrup, oatmeal, etc. |  Please contact Lori Murray, Administrative Assistant, John P. Craine House, Inc. | 317-925-2833 voice - 317-925-2834 Fax | Thanks again and have a great holiday!
HORIZON HOUSE NEEDS YOUR HELP - They are running low on items they pass out to their homeless neighbors -
They Provide Resources, Empower Lives, that can lead to Ending Homelessness.  They are a welcoming place where homeless neighbors find the resources and support they need to end their homelessness. They are a one-stop day center that offers hospitality, bathrooms, showers, basic hygiene and survival supplies, laundry, mail delivery, telephone, employment readiness classes, storage, professional case management, civil legal counsel, mental health services, medical care and Veteran’s services.  | They are located at: 1033 E Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46202 | 317-423-8909 | 317-423-8906 fax | Click here for the HORIZON WISH LIST |  Visit them at: www.horizonhouse.cc

Indiana Women's Prison - could use a newer larger screen television for the PLUS unit.  The PLUS Program is held in the chapel and they use DVD's for training classes and their existing TV is much too small.  The chapel is also looking for screen dividers and a projector for PowerPoint.  They also need new choir robes. | If you can help IWP with any of these items please contact Catherine Bowie at 317- 317-639-2671 #256, or email her at CBowie@idoc.IN.gov.
Plainfield Correctional Facility (PCF or IYC) -
1)  Arts and Craft Leader/Teacher Needed - to help our PLUS program with Community Service Projects.  2)  Volunteers &  Mentors - to help our PLUS Program participants. | Please contact Tracey Ridge, Program Director | tridge@idoc.in.gov, or call 317-839-2513 # 1371 or # 1501.

Meet Me Under The Bridge
On Sunday afternoons a group of volunteers team up to feed the homeless at Willard Park in the downtown area. They start feeding at 3:00 pm.  All the food is hot and homemade by their group.  After they are done there they move to Washington and Rural to the parking lot at the library.  They are currently feeding between 150 & 200 people every Sunday.  If you are interested in helping out, and you want more information please don't hesitate to contact Kim at 317-222-8741, or email her at: always_pray@comcast.net.

MUSIC TEACHER & Blue Jeans (sizes 32 thru 38) -
The Pendleton Correctional Facility
- Volunteers that can teach musical instruments, especially give guitar lessons, and any kind of musical Instruments you may have that are still in good working order that you may want to donate to the prison - they are also looking for all types of arts and crafts supplies for their Arts and Crafts classes. | Please contact Wayne Scaife, Community Services Director at WScaife@idoc.IN.gov.


Volunteers & Helpers Always Needed - WE NEED YOUR HELP!

Our prisons in Indianapolis, Plainfield, and Pendleton are in need of persons who can serve "inside" the prison system as Teachers, Tutors, Mentors and Instructors.  If you would like to be a volunteer (Helper), please Click on HRH's Contact-Us Page, or call Don Hawkins at 317-547-0500 and he can help direct you to an organization that can use your special services and talents.  To contact the Indiana Department of Correction directly, Please click on: Indiana D.O.C. for additional information, or Click on: Indiana D.O.C. Volunteer Form.

What's Going on In Indy

Special Event's
in Indianapolis
The Mayor's Office
Things To Do
in Indianapolis
The Indianapolis Star
Convention Center
Events Calendar
Chamber of Commerce
Events Calendar

Agency List

Connect2Help - dial 2-1-1
Central Indiana Human Services Database

Government - TV-2
TV Schedule

If you have missed any of our Newsletters, they can be viewed on-line by clicking on our Newsletters link.
Our Newsletter and your email address will not be used for any political, and/or commercial (for-profit) purposes.
Your email address will be used for HRH purposes only, and will not be sold or distributed to anyone for any reason.
Copyright © 2007-2009 by Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc., PO Box 1724, Indianapolis, IN 46226 USA
For suggestions or questions regarding this Newsletter please contact Don Hawkins at:
All Rights Reserved - Click here to view Our Disclaimer - HRH is a 501 (c) (3) Public Charity