HRH's Weekly Newsletter from
- 9 March '09 Please pass this Newsletter on to others in Our Industry - This information is meant to be SHARED. Thank You. Emailed to 2,031 email addresses in Our Industry. The deadline for our next Newsletter is the end of the day each Friday. |
Sign Up for Our Newsletter | HRH's Brochure | Submit Events & Suggestions | Sign Up Your Organization | ||||
Editor's Notes |
We now have added over
950 organizations to our web site. - with who knows how many
more still to be added. If
you and/or your Service Organization is in a position to help others,
please register your services with our web site. Just click on the
"Sign-Up" link above and follow the instructions. HRH's Bulletin Board will be ready to use later this week - Service Providers will be able to post jobs, housing, and other services they have available for those in need - Organizations will also be able to post items they may need for their clients, such as, prisons may need cloths, or musical instruments, or an organization may need volunteers for an upcoming project - check back later for more details. |
Solicitation for Second
Chance Act Grants to State and Local Governments Released -
On February 27, 2009, the Bureau of Justice
Assistance (BJA), U.S. Department of Justice, released the solicitation for
Second Chance Act grants to state and local governments for adult reentry
demonstration projects (Section 101). Funding under this section is available to
help state and local agencies implement programs and strategies to reduce
recidivism and ensure the safe and successful reentry of adults released from
prisons and jails. | To download the solicitation, or find out more about the
grant program,
click here | The deadline for applications is 8:00
p.m. EST on April 20, 2009. | To
download newsletter, visit:
www.reentrypolicy.org/newsletters Solicitation for Funding Opportunity - Department of Health & Human Services, Khadijah Muhammad, Director of the Mayors ReEntry Program has forwarded me the following information on - Demonstration Grants in Support of the Prisoner Reentry Initiative | Date Due: 05/04/2009 | Executive Summary: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) invites a limited number of State IV-D agencies to submit proposals for the jurisdictions in their States that are sites for Prisoner Reentry Initiative (PRI) projects funded through the United States Department of Justice and United States Department of Labor. Eligibility information can be found in Section III.1 of this announcement. The PRI, authorized by 42 U.S.C. Section 3797 w (a), strengthens communities characterized by large numbers of returning prisoners. With the support of several Federal agencies, PRI is designed to reduce recidivism by helping returning offenders find work and access other critical services in their communities. | Download the PDF Flyer |
17Mar09 - Tuesday - 2009
Indiana Nonprofit Town Hall Meeting - The Leadership Ventures is
presenting this Town Hall Meeting that will feature the first-ever
Nonprofit Resource Marketplace, which connects nonprofit leaders with product
and service providers that can enhance their work. | For more details and to
register, visit: www.leadershipventures.org | Click here to download
Their Flyer. 20Mar09 - Friday - Indy Homeless Connect presented by C.H.I.P. - is a one-day community event connecting the homeless community of Indianapolis to available resources and services, while raising awareness within the community on the issue of homelessness. With the help of volunteers like you, this event will offer a number of services to those experiencing homelessness, including medical care, food, legal advice, free phone calls to family, employment services, and housing. While some services at Indy Homeless Connect must be performed by professionals, there are a number of areas where we need volunteer support - and a great deal of it! The deadline for volunteer registration is March 13, 2009. | Indiana Convention Center between 9:00 AM & 4:00 PM | For more information visit CHIP's Web Site. 20Mar09 - Friday - The Church Federation of Greater Indianapolis - recently hosted a series of conversations around a plan to unite local churches and faith-based organizations with their neighbors in efforts to stop violence and bring peace to our community. To this end, The Church Federation is excited to announce a workshop entitled, “Lifting the Voices and Presence of Local Churches and Community Partners,” with the focus on Community Organizing as a Tool for Outreach and Ministry. We invite you to join us on Friday, March 20, 2009, from 8:00 am until 4:30 pm at the Julia Carson Government Center. Our two keynote speakers will include two nationally renowned faith-based Community Organizers in the persons of the Rev. Dr. Alvin Love and Rev. Dr. Phil Tom. Please see attached Registration Form for more detailed information. | 317-926-5371 Voice or 317-926-5373 Fax | tracy@churchfederationindy.org or www.churchfederationindy.org. 23Mar09 - Monday - Trusted Mentors, Inc. is offering - Homelessness Prevention Mentor Training - Do you want to feel like you've made a positive difference in someone's life? Please attend the next Trusted Mentors training for any adults interested in becoming a mentor to an adult who is at risk of becoming homeless. Six hours per month of contact for one year is all that's needed to help stabilize a life. Help prevent homelessness in our community. Training and ongoing support provided by Trusted Mentors Inc., a non-profit mentoring program. Training will be held at Immanuel United Church of Christ, 402 E. Prospect St., Indianapolis, 46225. For more information, contact Candice at 985-3468, candice@trustedmentors.org, or www.trustedmentors.org. | From 5:30 to 8:30 PM 25Mar09 - Wednesday - The Indianapolis Mayor's Front Porch Alliance - is inviting faith leaders or pastors who want to find ways to help their neighbors and congregants as they have to go through the maze of the criminal justice system. We hope that faith leaders and pastors can join us for breakfast (8:30 AM) along with a lively discussion. Space is limited, so please RSVP soon. Thanks, Douglas S. Hairston, Director, Mayor's Office of the Front Porch Alliance | 317-3274336 Voice or 317-327-5271 Fax | DHairsto@indygov.org | Click here to download The flyer 28Mar09 - Saturday - Circle City Fatherhood - Presents: Breaking the Silence, The Total Man: Inside & Out Workshop - Speakers: Dr. LeRoy Wadlington, Senior Pastor, Pilgrim Baptist Church, Linda Crocheron, Victim Advocate, Marion County Prosecutor’s Office | Registration & Continental Breakfast from 8:30 a.m. thru 9:00 a.m. | Workshop Sessions from 9:00 a.m. thru 12:00 noon The Christamore House, 502 N. Tremont Street, Lower Level | Download Their Flyer 30Mar09 thru 5Apr09 - Spring College Tour 2009 - YMCA Urban Mission Branch is sponsoring this years Spring College Tour. | For additional information, contact: Nicole Rowan, 615 North Alabama Street, #400, Indianapolis, IN 46204 | 317-713-8574 voice, 317-269-6068 fax nrowan@indymca.org | Download a Flyer 1-3Apr09 - Peace in the Streets, Citywide Crime Prevention Youth Conference - Sponsored by Christamore House Family and Community Center | George Washington Community School | Youth in 5th thru 10th grade | For more information, please contact Jimmie Harrington at 317-635-7111 #230 | Download additional information 25Apr09 - Saturday - WTHR Channel 13 and Wishard Health Services - will present the Pecar Family Health Fest, a Health Beat Health Fair, at Pecar Health Center, 6940 N. Michigan Road in Indianapolis. This free health fair will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and is open to the entire community. A team of healthcare professionals will be on hand to answer questions and administer free health screenings in a family fun atmosphere. 26Apr09 - Sunday - HVAF of Indiana, Inc.’s 3rd Annual Walk/Jog-a-Thon - to Benefit Homeless Veterans and Families will be held on Sunday, at 964 N. Pennsylvania St. Registration will begin at 9:00 am. For more information please contact Tina Shelley at 951-0688 # 227, or by email at tshelley@hvaf.org. |
22Apr09 - Operation: Hire A
Hoosier Vet career fair - will be held at Stout Field,
Building #9 in Indianapolis on Wednesday the 22nd of April from
0900 hours - 1500 hours | For more details, please contact 317-988-2415
Download a flyer For Jobs & Employment (Careers), click here: WorkOne's IndianaCareerConnect.com | IN DOC Job Fairs | State of IN Jobs | City of Indy & M/C Jobs | Indy Star (CareerBuilder) - Jobs in Indy | NUVO - Jobs in Indy | American Classified - Jobs in Indy | Kijiji - Jobs in Indy | Indianapolis Recorder - Jobs in Indy | Indy Employment Guide - Jobs in Indy | Indiana Job Fairs | Other Jobs Web Sites | Monster - Jobs Nationwide | Connect2Help Job Search Suggestions | CareerJet - Jobs in Indy & Nationwide | Remember, Temporary & Part-Time Jobs can lead to Gainful and Full-Time Employment. |
Our Quick Topics - Print Out Page is a list of Topics that can be printed out for easy reference. This "Single Source" information page contains information from Adoption, Aids/HIV to Victim Assistance & Voters Registration. You can print it and carry it with you for easy reference. | |||||||
Our State Legislators & Government Officials Web Sites |
Do you want or need to contact one of your elected officials? Click on the link to their web site. | |||||||
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels | Indianapolis Mayor Gregory Ballard | Senator Richard Lugar | Senator Evan Bayh | Congressman Dan Burton, Indiana's 5th District | Congressman Andre Carson, Indiana's 7th District | Congressman Mike Pence, Indiana's 6th District | | |||||||
Our Helpers Press Releases - They would like for you to read.. |
Office of the Mayor | City County Council | |||||||
Our Helpers Calendars & Newsletters - They would like for you to read. |
WorkOne - East | WorkOne - West | Wayne Township Schools - Adult Basic Education 3Sep08 thru 31Jan09 | Warren Township's latest Newsletter | Business Ownership Initiative - Upcoming Schedule of Work Shops | CHIP's 3rd Quarter Newsletter | Charitable Advisors - latest Not-for-Profit E-Newsletter | McCoy - latest Newsletter | Justice Center, ReEntry Policy Council - latest Newsletter | HVAF of Indiana | | |||||||
Our Helpers Regularly Scheduled Meetings - They would like for you to attend |
Meets Weekly -
M.O.V.E. | Meets Monthly - | C.H.I.P. - C.H.I.P.'s Calendar | |
Our Research & Reference Info - The more you know, the more you can help. |
Need important information/facts on the Homeless and/or ReEntry Industry? Click out: Our Research & Reference Page | |||||||
Our Needs - Our Helpers need Help Too! |
CHAPEL NEEDS A LARGER TV, SCREEN, PROJECTOR AND CHOIR ROBES - Indiana Women's Prison - could use a newer larger screen television for the PLUS unit. The PLUS Program is held in the chapel and they use DVD's for training classes and their existing TV is much too small. The chapel is also looking for screen dividers and a projector for PowerPoint. They also need new choir robes. | If you can help IWP with any of these items please contact Catherine Bowie at 317- 317-639-2671 #256, or email her at CBowie@idoc.IN.gov. ARTS & CRAFTS TEACHERS / INSTRUCTORS - Plainfield Correctional Facility (PCF or IYC) - 1) Arts and Craft Leader/Teacher Needed - to help our PLUS program with Community Service Projects. 2) Volunteers & Mentors - to help our PLUS Program participants. | Please contact Tracey Ridge, Program Director | tridge@idoc.in.gov, or call 317-839-2513 # 1371 or # 1501. FEED THE HOMELESS - Meet Me Under The Bridge - On Sunday afternoons a group of volunteers team up to feed the homeless at Willard Park in the downtown area. They start feeding at 3:00 pm. All the food is hot and homemade by their group. After they are done there they move to Washington and Rural to the parking lot at the library. They are currently feeding between 150 & 200 people every Sunday. If you are interested in helping out, and you want more information please don't hesitate to contact Kim at 317-222-8741, or email her at: always_pray@comcast.net. MUSIC TEACHER & Blue Jeans (sizes 32 thru 38) - The Pendleton Correctional Facility - Volunteers that can teach musical instruments, especially give guitar lessons, and any kind of musical Instruments you may have that are still in good working order that you may want to donate to the prison - they are also looking for all types of arts and crafts supplies for their Arts and Crafts classes. | Please contact Wayne Scaife, Community Services Director at WScaife@idoc.IN.gov. To Find Out Who Else Needs: VOLUNTEERS - NURSERY ITEMS - CANDY - HYGIENE ITEMS - MEN'S CLOTHES - TEACHERS, TUTORS, MENTORS & INSTRUCTORS - Please Visit Our Needs Page. |
Volunteers & Helpers Always Needed - WE NEED YOUR HELP! |
Our prisons in Indianapolis, Plainfield, and Pendleton are in need of Volunteers who can serve "inside" the prison system as Teachers, Tutors, Mentors and Instructors. If you would like to be a volunteer (Helper), please Click on HRH's Contact-Us Page, or call Don Hawkins at 317-547-0500 and he can help direct you to an organization that can use your special services and talents. To contact the Indiana Department of Correction directly, Please click on: Indiana D.O.C. for additional information, or Click on: Indiana D.O.C. Volunteer Form. | |||||||
If you have missed any of our Newsletters,
they can be viewed on-line by clicking on our
link. Our Newsletter and your email address will not be used for any political, and/or commercial (for-profit) purposes. Your email address will be used for HRH purposes only, and will not be sold or distributed to anyone for any reason. |