HRH's Weekly Newsletter from
- 20 April '09 Please pass this Newsletter on to others in Our Industry - This information is meant to be SHARED. Emailed to 2,223 email addresses in Our Industry. The Deadline for our Newsletters are every Friday. |
Sign Up for Our Newsletter | HRH's Brochure | Submit Events & Suggestions | Sign Up Your Organization | ||||
Editor's Notes |
I still need a refrigerator for the Nursery/Parenting Program at PREF - If you have an extra one, please give me a call and I will pick it up and take it to PREF. | We now have added over 1,220 organizations to our web site. - We are in the process of verifying this new data via phone. | Job Fairs - If you know of any upcoming job fairs this month or next, please email that information so I can get it in our next newsletter. Thanks, Don. | |||||||
Service Providers, don't forget to register for the Mayor's Ex-Offender Re-Entry Resource Fair - May 12 - 13, 2009; 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Indiana State Fairgrounds | Local service providers are invited to participate in the 2009 Mayor’s Re-Entry Resource Fair where you will have an opportunity to talk with ex-offenders about services your organization has to offer. | Service Providers will have the opportunity to talk with ex-offenders on May 12 and 13 about resources they have available. Click here to Register | For priority consideration, please register by May 5, 2009. | |||||||
Ballard will be available for a question and answer session with
Lawrence Township residents Tuesday evening. Residents are encouraged to
come out to ask questions and share their opinions and concerns. City
department directors will also be available. | WHO: MAYOR GREG BALLARD;
7:00 P.M. 21Apr09 Tuesday - The Wheeler-Dowe Boys & Girls Club - unit is requesting your presence at the 3rd Annual Youth of the Year Fundraiser & Celebration from 6: to 9:PM at The Auto Vault, 705 N. Illinois St. | Download Event Flyer 22Apr09 Wednesday - Trusted Mentors' April Training Classes - Trusted Mentors is seeking mentors to build supportive relationships with ex-offenders and others who are at risk of becoming homeless. Mentoring helps stabilize lives, increasing the mentees' ability to remain housed and able to meet personal challenges. Mentor training will be Wednesday, April 22nd, 5:30-8:30 p.m. in the community meeting room of the Old National Bank at 6135 N. College Avenue. | For more information please call: Candice Brisson Monteith, Volunteer Coordinator, 317-985-3468 | candice@trustedmentors.org. 23Apr09 Thursday - Want to quit smoking? - The Marion County Health Department and Wishard Health Services will offer counseling to address behavior change, group support and methods for coping with stress and withdrawal symptoms. Plan to attend at Warren Library from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Registration is required. | Please call 221-2084. 25Apr09 - Saturday - WTHR Channel 13 and Wishard Health Services - will present the Pecar Family Health Fest, a Health Beat Health Fair, at Pecar Health Center, 6940 N. Michigan Road in Indianapolis. This free health fair will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and is open to the entire community. A team of healthcare professionals will be on hand to answer questions and administer free health screenings in a family fun atmosphere. 26Apr09 - Sunday - HVAF of Indiana, Inc.’s 3rd Annual Walk/Jog-a-Thon - to Benefit Homeless Veterans and Families will be held on Sunday, at 964 N. Pennsylvania St. Registration will begin at 9:00 am. For more information please contact Tina Shelley at 951-0688 # 227, or by email at tshelley@hvaf.org. | HVAF Spring Newsletter Mayor's Ex-Offender Re-Entry Resource Fair - May 12 - 13, 2009; 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Indiana State Fairgrounds | Local service providers are invited to participate in the 2009 Mayor’s Re-Entry Resource Fair where you will have an opportunity to talk with ex-offenders about services your organization has to offer. | Service Providers will have the opportunity to talk with ex-offenders on May 12 and 13 about resources they have available. Click here to Register | For priority consideration, please register by May 5, 2009. 16May09 Saturday - Free Cancer Awareness Health Fair for 2009 - at St. Vincent Martindale Brightwood Cancer Awareness Health Fair, 2855 N. Keystone Ave. (Genesis Plaza) | Hours of operation 10:00 a. m. till 3:00 p. m. | Please call St. Vincent Careline at 338-2273 to schedule an appointment | Free Prostate Screenings for Men | Download Flyer 1Aug09 & the 8th, 14th & 15th - 10th Annual African Festival - presented by The City of Indianapolis & African Community International | Contact: 317-927-9777 or 317-327-3687 | www.africancommunity.net | Download Flyer |
22Apr09 - Operation: Hire A
Hoosier Vet career fair - will be held at Stout Field,
Building #9 in Indianapolis on Wednesday the 22nd of April from
0900 hours - 1500 hours | For more details, please contact 317-988-2415
Download a flyer 18May09 - Monday - Indy Jobs Careen Fair - more on this later For Jobs & Employment (Careers), click here: WorkOne's IndianaCareerConnect.com | IN DOC Job Fairs | State of IN Jobs | City of Indy & M/C Jobs | Indy Star (CareerBuilder) - Jobs in Indy | NUVO - Jobs in Indy | American Classified - Jobs in Indy | Kijiji - Jobs in Indy | Indianapolis Recorder - Jobs in Indy | Indy Employment Guide - Jobs in Indy | Indiana Job Fairs | Other Jobs Web Sites | Monster - Jobs Nationwide | Connect2Help Job Search Suggestions | CareerJet - Jobs in Indy & Nationwide | Non-Profit Career Center Jobs | Remember, Temporary & Part-Time Jobs can lead to Gainful and Full-Time Employment. |
Our State Legislators & Government Officials Web Sites |
Do you want or need to contact one of your elected officials? Click on the link to their web site. | |||||||
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels | Indianapolis Mayor Gregory Ballard | Senator Richard Lugar | Senator Evan Bayh | Congressman Dan Burton, Indiana's 5th District | Congressman Andre Carson, Indiana's 7th District | Congressman Mike Pence, Indiana's 6th District | | |||||||
Our Helpers Press Releases - They would like for you to read.. |
Office of the Mayor | City County Council | |||||||
Our Helpers Calendars & Newsletters - They would like for you to read. |
View the Mayor's latest Newsletter | WorkOne - East | WorkOne - West | Wayne Township Schools - Adult Basic Education 3Sep08 thru 31Jan09 | Warren Township's latest Newsletter | Business Ownership Initiative - Upcoming Schedule of Work Shops | CHIP's 3rd Quarter Newsletter | Charitable Advisors - latest Not-for-Profit E-Newsletter | McCoy - latest Newsletter | Justice Center, ReEntry Policy Council - latest Newsletter | HVAF of Indiana | | |||||||
Our Helpers Regularly Scheduled Classes |
Flanner House - has a new 7 week job readiness life Skills to Success class (STS). It meets Monday thru Friday from 9:00 – noon. Interested in registration for the May class, please contact Randolph Douglas at 317-925-4231 ext. 244. | |||||||
Our Helpers Regularly Scheduled Meetings - They would like for you to attend |
Meets Weekly -
M.O.V.E. | Meets Monthly - | C.H.I.P. - C.H.I.P.'s Calendar | McCoy next 22Apr09 | |
Our Research & Reference Info - The more you know, the more you can help. |
Need important information/facts on the Homeless and/or ReEntry Industry? Click out: Our Research & Reference Page | |||||||
Go to Our Needs Page - Our Helpers need Help Too! |
RECEPTION DIAGNOSTIC CENTER (RDC) - We are in immediate need of clothing for adult males for releases. Pants, shirts, undergarments, shoes and coats (of all sizes for men) is needed. We are also in need of gently used books for our offenders (paperback and hardback, both fiction and nonfiction). Because we don’t have programs at our facility, reading is often the only productive way our offenders have to spend their time. | If anyone is interested in donating either, they can contact: Lisa Powers, Executive Assistant/Public Information Officer, Reception Diagnostic Center at 317-839-7727, ext 3005, 317-839-1247, fax or email me at lpowers@idoc.IN.gov. PLAINFIELD CORRECTIONAL FACILITY (PCF or IYC) - 1) Arts and Craft Leader/Teacher/Instructors are needed to help our PLUS program with Community Service Projects. 2) Volunteers & Mentors - to help our PLUS Program participants. | Please contact Chaplain Ed Goforth | elgoforth@idoc.in.gov, or call 317-839-2513 # 1506. |
Volunteers & Helpers Always Needed - WE NEED YOUR HELP! |
Our prisons in Indianapolis, Plainfield, and Pendleton are in need of Volunteers who can serve "inside" the prison system as Teachers, Tutors, Mentors and Instructors. If you would like to be a volunteer (Helper), please Click on HRH's Contact-Us Page, or call Don Hawkins at 317-547-0500 and he can help direct you to an organization that can use your special services and talents. To contact the Indiana Department of Correction directly, Please click on: Indiana D.O.C. for additional information, or Click on: Indiana D.O.C. Volunteer Form. | |||||||
If you have missed any of our Newsletters,
they can be viewed on-line by clicking on our
link. Our Newsletter and your email address will not be used for any political, and/or commercial (for-profit) purposes. Your email address will be used for HRH purposes only, and will not be sold or distributed to anyone for any reason. |