Special Bulletin
- 12 April '10 Please pass this Information on to others in Our Industry - This information is meant to be SHARED. Emailed to 3,300 email addresses in Our Industry | Over 1,400 Organizations are sharing their information with HRH. |
You Are Invited to a Poverty and ReEntry Forum Sponsored by: The AmericanPoverty.org Campaign, The Indianapolis Star and the East 91st Christian Church |
Bob Irvin and I would like to invite you to participate in the Poverty and
ReEntry Forum at the “Fighting for the Forgotten” Art Exhibition at East 91st
Street Christian Church.
The Forum is to be held in Room 249 at the East 91st Christian Church (just east
of Allisonville Rd. on E. 91st St.) on Wednesday, April 14, from
6:30 p.m. until 8 p.m. |
Download Flyer Here is our Panel: 1) Bob Irvin – President of Jehoshua House Offender ReEntry Ministries (Moderator) 2) Rhiannon Williams – Director of ReEntry Programs for the City of Indianapolis 3) Michael Hurst – Executive Director of the Coalition of Homelessness Intervention and Prevention (CHIP) 4) Mary Leffler – Community Liaison – Volunteers of America 5) DaAnna Hoskins – Program Director – Governor’s Office of Faith Based Imitative 6) Jimmie Harrington – Director of Re-entry and Youth Programs – Christamore House 7) Don Hawkins – Founder and Executive Director of Homeless & ReEntry Helpers The objective of this panel is to identify and describe the Top 5 issues related to Ex-Offender Re-integration into our Community and the impact of Poverty on re-integration. We have 1.5 hours in all. We plan to spend 5 minutes in introduction. 15 minutes in panel discussion of each issue. And Q and A at the end. Here are the 5 topics: 1) The Problem: The Numbers. Indiana is one of the leading States in the Nation in the rate of increase in incarceration. The high number State Prison Ex-Offenders coming back to Indy Metro each year. The high number of Inmates cycling through Indianapolis Metropolitan Area County Jails. The Real Recidivism Rate for State Prisons and County Jails Combined. And the economic cost of continuing to do what we’ve been doing; What is the cost of failure? 2) Current state of post-release transitional housing in Indy Metro. How many men and women that cycle through our Jails and Prisons find themselves homeless. Or experience homelessness following their release from jail or prison? How many single mothers and children are rendered homeless as a by-product of incarceration; 3) Current state of jobs for ex-offenders in Indy Metro. And the level of wages being paid to those who find employment. What % of ex-offenders are living below the poverty line? 4) Barriers to re-entry (exclusionary business hiring practices; exclusionary insurance underwriting practices; business and societal prejudices) 5) What are we doing about it? Government? Business? Church? Citizens? Service Providers? Who can they turn to for help? Please join us at this Forum, and discover a new Mission that will change our Community. Open your minds, your hearts, and your spirits to God’s call. Be blessed to be a blessing. And live Matthew 25:34-35! In Christ, Bob Irwin & Don Hawkins |
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Copyright © 2007-2010
by Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc., PO Box 1724, Indianapolis,
IN 46226 USA For suggestions or questions regarding this Newsletter please contact Don Hawkins at: Hawkins@HRHcompanies.com. All Rights Reserved - Click here to view Our Disclaimer - HRH is a 501 (c) (3) Public Charity |