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Reminder Notice for the:
Plainfield Re-Entry Educational Facility
H i r i n g   F a i r
This Thursday the 17th of April 2008 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
PREF facility in Plainfield - Check here for a map to PREF

* Hear “The Advantages of Hiring Ex-Offenders” with Guest Speaker
B i l l   K e n t
VP Human Resources & Corporate Relations
Free Lunch from 11:30 to 12:30

The Plainfield Re-Entry Educational Facility (PREF) will host a Hiring Fair this week in an effort to aid offenders with employment opportunities. Offenders attending the job fair will be within ninety days of their release back to the community. PREF is offering offenders trained in; Horticulture, Business Services, Culinary Arts, Electronics Repair, Outdoor Power Equipment Repair, and Building Trades the opportunity to market themselves to interested employers looking for skilled workers. Several offenders have degrees and other skills in addition to their vocational training. Obtaining employment prior to, or soon after release, is a crucial part of the re-entry process. Successful re-entry for offenders is key to lower recidivism rates.

At PREF, the goal is to get as many of the incarcerated males in the state who will be released, ready for re-entry. PREF offers the residents of the facility the opportunity to transition back into the community with as much aid as possible in finding employment, housing, and transportation prior to release. The goal of the Hiring Fair will be to set a precedent for more opportunities of this nature for offenders of the Indiana Department of Correction. Preparing the men for re-entry is a proactive approach to fighting the climbing incarceration rates. By making offenders more employable and providing them with opportunity, the chances of their success are increased.
What You Will Receive: Resumes of capable, trained, bondable people and information about a facility that can make your business more profitable thru tax credits and other incentives.

  To R.S.V.P. Please Contact Cathy from WorkOne at 317-467-0248, #300

Sponsored by:
WorkOne  |  Central Indiana Regional Workforce Board
Indiana Department of Workforce Development  |  Indiana Department of Correction