HomelessHelpers.com & ReEntryHelpers.com
7528 Pendleton Pike, Indianapolis, IN 46226 USA
(317) 547-1910
Voice | 317-547-0700 Fax | Info@ReEntryHelpers.com

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Weekly Newsletter 22Apr08
Emailed to over 700 persons in our Industry.
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Our News - We would like to take this opportunity to thank Michael Lloyd, Superintendent of the Plainfield ReEntry Educational Facility, and his staff for hosting a very successful "Hiring Fair" last week.  We hope there are many more to come.  It is a great idea.  Click on: Pictures of the Hiring Fair
Our FYI Page - Our F.Y.I. page is almost completely filled out.  This quick reference page is meant to help you find goods and services fast.  Information of additional service providers are being added daily.  Click on: FYI Page
Our Web Site - You can visit our Homeless & ReEntry web site.  Click on: www.ReEntryHelpers.com
Our Calendar - If you have any upcoming events that you want to tell others about in our industry, please email me your information and I will add it to our "Events Calendar" on our web site.  Plus a link to our Events Calendar will be included in all of our Weekly Newsletters.  Click on: Events Calendar
Our web site is being designed to serve three purposes: 1) a public information directory for persons in need of goods and services; 2) a networking tool (Community Bulletin Board) for service providers to share their information; and, 3) a private information directory for; case workers, specialists, probation officers, chaplains, suppliers of jobs, housing, etc. to find who needs what, and where it is needed.  If you have goods and/or services that can benefit others, including your time and talent, please let us know and we can help you help others.  Thank, You, Don Hawkins at 317-547-1910 or email me at: Hawkins@ReentryHelpers.com.