HomelessHelpers.com & ReEntryHelpers.com
7528 Pendleton Pike, Indianapolis, IN 46226 USA
(317) 547-1910
Voice | 317-547-0700 Fax | Info@ReEntryHelpers.com

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Weekly Newsletter 13 May 08
Emailed to over 805 persons in our Industry.
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Our News - 1) Starting next week you will be able to view the resumes of the men returning to the work force from the Plainfield ReEntry Educational Facility (PREF).  2) After talking to several people in our industry we have determined that the best time to send out our Weekly Newsletter is over the weekend - with next weeks information on meetings, seminars, job & hiring fairs, etc.  If you have any an event that you want to promote to persons in our industry, please get it to me by Friday evening.  Thanks. 3) Next week our phone number will change to 317-547-0500.
Our Quick Reference Page - Our Quick Reference (F.Y.I.) page is as complete as we can get it without your help.  This page is meant to help you find information, goods, services and forms fast.  If you have anything to add to this page or you find something wrong on the page, please send me an email.
Our Web Site - Visit our Homeless & ReEntry Helpers Web Site.
Our Events Calendar - If you have any upcoming events that you want to tell others about in our industry, please email us your information and we will add it to our "Events Calendar" on our web site.  Plus a link to our Events Calendar will be included in all of our Weekly Newsletters.
Our Purpose - Our web site is being designed to serve three purposes: 1) a public information directory for persons in need of information on where to get goods and services; 2) a networking tool (Community Bulletin Board) for case managers & service providers to share their information (services, meetings, events, etc.); and, 3) a private information directory for; case managers, specialists, probation officers, chaplains, suppliers of jobs, housing, etc. to find who needs what, and where it is needed.  If you have goods and/or services that can benefit others, including your time and talent, please let us know and we will try and help you help others.  Thank, You, Don Hawkins at 317-547-1910 or email me at: Hawkins@ReentryHelpers.com.
Volunteers, Teachers, Tutors (Helpers) Wanted - Our prisons in Indianapolis, Plainfield and Pendleton are in need of persons that can serve as mentors, teachers and tutors.  If you would like to be a volunteer/Helper, please give us a call at 317-547-1910, or Click on: Indiana D.O.C. for additional information, or Click on: Indiana D.O.C. Volunteer Form.