HomelessHelpers.com & ReEntryHelpers.com
7528 Pendleton Pike, Indianapolis, IN 46226 USA
(317) 547-0500
Voice | 317-547-0700 Fax

Weekly (Sample) Newsletter 16 May 08
Emailed to over 790 persons in our Industry.
This email is coming to you with no active links of any kind.  It has been brought to my attention that some of you are not getting our Weekly Newsletter.  After further research we have found that you probable are getting it but it is going to your junk mail because you have not allowed email from: hawkins@reentryhelpers.com to go thru.  Please check on your junk mail box and allow this email to go thru.  Thank you.  Don Hawkins
Our News - Past & current events
Our Quick Reference Page - Information on organizations that are helping the homeless and those in and out of the prison system.
Our Web Site - Please type in www.reentryhelpers.com in your address bar to get our web site.
Our Events Calendar - Future date of interest to people in our industry 
Our Purpose - Our web site is being designed to serve three purposes: 1) a public information directory for persons in need of information on where to get goods and services; 2) a networking tool (Community Bulletin Board) for case managers & service providers to share their information (services, meetings, events, etc.); and, 3) a private information directory for; case managers, specialists, probation officers, chaplains, suppliers of jobs, housing, etc. to find who needs what, and where it is needed.  If you have goods and/or services that can benefit others, including your time and talent, please let us know and we will try and help you help others.  Thank, You, Don Hawkins at 317-547-0500 or email me at: Hawkins@ReentryHelpers.com.
Volunteers, Teachers, Tutors (Helpers) Wanted -