Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc.
7528 Pendleton Pike, Indianapolis, IN 46226 USA
(317) 547-0500
Voice | 317-547-0700 Fax | Hawkins@IndianaHelpers.com

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Weekly Newsletter 23 June 08 for www.IndianaHelpers.com
Please pass this Newsletter on to others in Our Industry - This information is meant to be SHARED.  Thank You.

Emailed today to 1,012 email address in our Industry.  Deadline for next week's Newsletter is the end of the day each Friday.
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Editors Notes -
We are adding two new sections to our Weekly Newsletter.  If your organization publishes a "Monthly Calendar" or puts out "Press Releases", we will add them to our Newsletter in a PDF file, or we can link it to your web site.
Our Events Calendar -
23-25Jun08 - Unlock the Mystery - Hosted by the Indiana Department of Correction - Location: Adams Mark Hotel at the Airport - Workshop focusing on: Mentally Ill Offenders, Sex Offenders, Substance Abusing Offenders - Click on Web Page for more information

26Jun08 Circle City Fatherhood Coalition, Christamore House & Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic - Presents: How to Expunge a Felony From Your Work Record. Please attend this important workshop!!!  | Attendance is Free and Open to the Public | Thursday the 26th of June from 6:00PM to 8:00PM at Christamore House, 502 N Tremont (On the corner of Michigan &Tremont) • Separate fact from fiction. • Find out how to remove those felonies from your work record. • Learn your rights! Call 317-636-0664 for more details.  Click on: PDF Flyer for their flyer
27Jun08 The Threshold Project and CHETA Training Workshop - This Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM at Ivy Tech Community College – Central Indiana, NMC Auditorium, 50 W. Fall Creek Parkway North Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46208 | Audience: Employment specialists, vocational counselors, case managers and others helping homeless people work.  Click here for a: PDF Flyer on Event
10Jul08 - PACE/OAR Board and Staff - will honor and offer best wishes for 15 years of service to J.T. Ferguson, Jr. on July 10th, 2008 at the Indiana War Memorial, 431 North Meridian St., from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Hors D’Oeuvres and refreshments are being served and there will be a cash bar on site. The registration is incremented for 15 years of service JT gave to the organization beginning with $30.00 per person. Persons are allowed to give more should they so wish (i.e. $45, $60, $75, $90, $105, $120, $135 etc.). All donations and proceeds go to PACE/OAR for our programs and services. Interested persons should RSVP by July 2nd to PACE/OAR.  Please contact: Rhiannon T. Williams, Interim Executive Director at 317-612-6800 # 11.
Our Helpers Calendars -
WorkOne - East Wayne Township Schools |
Our Helpers Press Releases -
Mayor's Office - New Funding Opportunities for Crime Prevention |
Our Job Fairs Calendar -
Don't know of any this week, no one sent me anything.  If you know of any job fairs in the coming weeks, please let us know so we can post them on our web site.
Our Needs -
The Pendleton Correctional Facility has immediate needs for volunteers that can teach musical instruments, and any kind of musical Instruments you may have that are still in good working order that you may want to donate to the prison - they are also looking for all types of arts and crafts supplies for their Arts and Crafts classes.

Plainfield ReEntry Educational Facility (PREF) is looking for all types of nursery items for its new Nurseries at the Indiana Women's Prisons and the Plainfield ReEntry Educational Facility.  For more information and a list of items needed, please Click on: PDF Flyer for the PREF Nursery
Plainfield ReEntry Educational Facility (PREF) is looking for men's cloths - Shirt, pants, shoes, etc. - Especially the larger sizes XL and 2XL.  Click here for a PDF flyer for Clothing
Plainfield Reception Diagnostic Center (RDC) - Lisa Powers, RDC's Public Information Officer is currently in need of men’s clothing (for offender releases). All sizes of pants, jeans, shirts, sweatshirts, coats, jackets, undergarments and shoes are all needed.  She can be reached at: 317-839-7727 # 3005.
Our News -
Nothing new to report. - If you have any NEWS that you think everyone else in our industry should  know about, please let us know.
Our Quick Topics Page -
Our Quick Topics Page is as complete as we can get it without your further help.  This "Single Source" information page contains information on over 140 TOPICS from Adoption, Aids/HIV to Victim Assistance & Voters Registration.  It is meant to help you find basic information on goods, services, and information - FAST.  If you have anything to add to Our Quick Reference Page, or you find something wrong on the page, please send us an email.  Thank you.
Our Research & Reference Info -
Need information on the Homeless or ReEntry, Click on: Our Research & Reference Page
Our Volunteers & Helpers Wanted Page -
WE NEED YOUR HELP! Our prisons in Indianapolis, Plainfield, and Pendleton are in need of persons that can serve "inside" the prison system as Teachers, Tutors, Mentors and Instructors.  If you would like to be a volunteer (Helper), please give us a call at 317-547-0500, or Click on: Indiana D.O.C. for additional information, or Click on: Indiana D.O.C. Volunteer Form.
If you have missed any of our Newsletters, they can be viewed on-line by clicking on our News link.
Our Newsletter and your email address will not be used for any political, and/or commercial (for-profit) purposes.
Your email address will be used for HRH purposes only, and will not be sold or distributed to anyone for any reason.
Copyright © 2007-2008 by Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc., 7528 Pendleton Pike, Indianapolis, IN 46226 USA
For suggestions or questions regarding this Newsletter please contact
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