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Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc.
7528 Pendleton Pike, Indianapolis, IN 46226 USA
(317) 547-0500
Voice | 317-547-0700 Fax | Info@IndianaHelpers.com

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An HRH Bulletin from www.IndianaHelpers.com - 5 November '08
Please pass this Bulletin on to others in Our Industry - This information is meant to be SHARED.
Mayor Greg Ballard

and the

City of Indianapolis

encourage all citizens to help those in need

by participating in

Pack the Pantry

Kickoff will be Friday, November 7 @ 11:00

Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School

2801 West 86th St., Indianapolis

This year is different. Indianapolis is facing a greater need for food donations due to the economic downturn and Mayor Ballard is calling on the city to respond to the growing need with greater participation in local food drives during this holiday season.

For more information please contact:
Douglas Hairston at 327-4336