Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc.
2457 E Washington  St, Indianapolis, IN 46201 - Map
(317) 635-0500 | 317-631-0500 Fax | Helpers@HRH.ooo
Homeless & ReEntry Helpers Web Site - www.IndianaHelpers.com
Homeless & ReEntry Helpers Web Site - HRH's Information Sheet
HRH's Information Sheet on:

Center for Veterans Enterprise - CVE

Address, City, State Zip , Washington, USA  | View Map  HRH ID #: 1623 
Main Office Phone | Fax 866-584-2344 or 800-382-4540  
Main Email Address VACVE@va.gov
Web Site Address www.vetbiz.gov
Download Our Flyer / Brochure This option will be added later
Topics / Services Offered | Business, Counseling | Business, Start Yours | Veterans, Benefits
States | Counties Served Aberdeen | Adair | Adams | Adams | Adams | Albuquerque | Alcona | Alexander | Alger | All | All Other | All Other | All Other | All Other | All Other | All Other | All Other | All Other
Primary Services Provided Many Federal Agencies and private businesses have indicated that they can't find enough veteran-owned businesses to meet their goals and contracting objectives in accordance with PL 106-50. Veteran-owned businesses have told us that they can't afford to market to all potential Federal customers. The Vendor Information Pages Database was developed to support both communities to achieve their contracting goals.
Secondary Services Provided Call the Center for Veterans Enterprise or send an email for free coaching and advice on specific questions and referrals to local resources.
Eligibility | Requirements Must be an honorably discharged Veteran
Procedures | Fees
What We Have Available Now
Days | Hours of Operation
Bus Route(s)
Volunteers Needed
Supplies & Items Needed
Additional Information
1st Contact's Name | Title
1st Contact's Main Phone | Fax
1st Contact's Cell | Home
1st Contact's Email Address
2nd Contact's Name | Title
2nd Contact's Main Phone | Fax
2nd Contact's Cell | Home
2nd Contact's Email Address
3rd Contact's Name | Title
3rd Contact's Main Phone | Fax
3rd Contact's Cell | Home
3rd Contact's Email Address
Info Last Verified By / Date DEH 02-07-2012 03:56 PM |
After verification, the information on this page is being provided by the above organization. HRH is not responsible for its accuracy.
Please email all errors and corrections to info@IndianaHelpers.com  | Form 31 (Revised 30Nov18 at 0025 by DEH)
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Copyright (c) 2007-2018 by Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc., 2457 E Washington St., Indianapolis, IN 46201 USA | 317-635-0500 Voice
For suggestions or questions regarding this Web site please contact Don Hawkins at: Hawkins@HHOOT.com
All Rights Reserved - Click here to view our Disclaimer | (Revised 30Nov18 at 0020 by DEH)