Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc.
2457 E Washington  St, Indianapolis, IN 46201 - Map
(317) 635-0500 | 317-631-0500 Fax | Helpers@HRH.ooo
Homeless & ReEntry Helpers Web Site - www.IndianaHelpers.com
Homeless & ReEntry Helpers Web Site - HRH's Information Sheet
HRH's Information Sheet on:

Addicted To Christ - ATC

Address, City, State Zip 6455 E Washington St., Indianapolis, IN 46219 | View Map  HRH ID #: 511 
Main Office Phone | Fax 317-353-8377 317-414-7442 
Main Email Address divey@idem.in.gov
Web Site Address www.cornerstoneindy.net
Download Our Flyer / Brochure This option will be added later
Topics / Services Offered Addictions | Alcohol Abuse, Treatment | Anger Management | Babies, Infant Care | Babies, Infant Items | Books & Bibles | Bus, Information | Cancer | Character / Life Building | Children, Care | Children, Juveniles | Children, Summer Camps | Children, Teens | Children, Toys | Christmas Support | Churches (SEE Faith-Based) | Clothes | Clothes, Baby / Infant | Clothes, Children's | Clothes, Men's | Clothes, Women's | Community, Based Organizations | Community, Development | Computer Training | Counseling | Day Care, Child | Domestic / Spouse Abuse | Donations | Drug Abuse, Counseling | Drug Abuse, Treatment | Education, Adult (ASC) | Education, Faith-Based | Education, GED / Hi SET | Education, Life Skills | Emergency Help | Employment | Employment, Consulting | Employment, Placement | Employment, Prepare Resume | Faith-Based, Organizations | Family, Outreach / Support | Food, Baby | Food, Pantries / Groceries | Gambling | Healthy Relationships | Homeless, Outreach | Libraries | Marriage, Counseling | Medical, AIDS / HIV Programs | Outreach Groups | Parenting | Prison, Ministries | ReEntry | Reference Information | Referrals | Self Esteem | Sexual Abuse | Street, Ministries Teams | Stress Management | Substance Abuse | Support Groups (SEE Recovery)
States | Counties Served Marion
Primary Services Provided Family support, each Tuesday eve, 7pm. Everyone's welcome - individuals, family members or friends who are dealing with the destruction of addictions, abuse, fear,etc. Ages 6 & over.
Secondary Services Provided Connections for jobs, housing, food, clothing, education, rehab
Eligibility | Requirements Only requirement is that you want the madness to stop.
Procedures | Fees None
What We Have Available Now 6am-6pm 'In His Arms' Christian Childcare (CCDF);
Days | Hours of Operation Each Tuesday evening at 7:00pm
Languages English - some spanish
Bus Route(s) East Washington
Volunteers Needed no
Supplies & Items Needed 2 Refrigerators, 1 Freezer. Non-perishable food items for food pantry; gently used clothing for clothing pantry
Additional Information March 1, 2010 FREE clothing will be available to those in need - some guidelines apply.
1st Contact's Name | Title Damita Ivey Church Administrator
1st Contact's Main Phone | Fax 317-414-7442 none
1st Contact's Cell | Home
1st Contact's Email Address divey@idem.in.gov
2nd Contact's Name | Title Elder Tracey Davis Pastor
2nd Contact's Main Phone | Fax 317-353-8377 none
2nd Contact's Cell | Home
2nd Contact's Email Address Pastor@cornerstoneindy.net
3rd Contact's Name | Title
3rd Contact's Main Phone | Fax
3rd Contact's Cell | Home
3rd Contact's Email Address
Info Last Verified By / Date DEH 06-29-2010 05:21 AM |
After verification, the information on this page is being provided by the above organization. HRH is not responsible for its accuracy.
Please email all errors and corrections to info@IndianaHelpers.com  | Form 31 (Revised 30Nov18 at 0025 by DEH)
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Copyright (c) 2007-2018 by Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc., 2457 E Washington St., Indianapolis, IN 46201 USA | 317-635-0500 Voice
For suggestions or questions regarding this Web site please contact Don Hawkins at: Hawkins@HHOOT.com
All Rights Reserved - Click here to view our Disclaimer | (Revised 30Nov18 at 0020 by DEH)