Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc.
Office & Warehouse - 2457 E Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46201
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(317) 635-0500 Voice | (317) 632-0500 Cell | Mail@HRH.ooo

8 Guidelines in Helping the Homeless

What do you do when you see someone holding up a sign, "Will work for Food?" Do you give them money or do you pretend you don't see them? No one likes to be confronted by the homeless - their needs seem overwhelming - but we want to treat them fairly and justly.

Here are some simple guidelines to help you truly help the next homeless person you meet:

1. Never give cash to a homeless person
Well intended gifts are often used to purchase drugs or alcohol.  If a person is hungry, buy them a sandwich or beverage. 

2. Talk with the homeless person with respect
Take time to speak in a friendly, respectful manner.

3. Realize the homeless and their problems are not all the same
Remember those who are homeless may be homeless for many reasons, such as addictions, domestic abuse, poverty, lack of job skills...the list goes on.

4. Share God's love whenever you can
God would have us share His love and salvation with everyone we come in contact with each day.  Those who are homeless often feel isolated and lonely.  They need to hear that their shattered lives can be mended through and in Christ.

5. Pray for the homeless and the Volunteers/Helpers
God can use your prayers to bring many who are broken in heart and spirit to Himself.  As you pray for those who are homeless pray for the Volunteers/Helpers that help the homeless.  They are on the frontlines each day reaching out to share the love of God with men, women, and children in need.

6. Take precautions for your own safety
Always be aware of your surroundings when reaching out to the homeless.  Stay in areas where other people can see you.  Don't take unnecessary chances.  Some men and women living on the streets are criminals and/or fugitives from the law.  Use good judgment.

7. Encourage the homeless to get help at the local shelters and Horizon House The local shelters and the Horizon House provides for men, women, and children.  The homeless can find a hot meal, safe-shelter, clean clothing, vocational training, biblical counsel, help finding jobs, help finding other housing, as well as limited medical and health care.  Most importantly, they will find a loving, caring staff ready and willing to help them get back to a more productive life.

8. Support the Local Shelters and the Horizon House
The shelters and the Horizon House is supported entirely by gifts from individuals, churches, businesses, civic groups, organizations, foundations, grants, and bequests.  When you give a financial gift to one of them, you can rest assured that your funds will be used to help those who are hungry and homeless, 365 days a year.

When searching the internet for a set of guidelines to help the homeless, I found that several organizations have adopted these 8 rules of giving to the homeless.  I have modified them for the Indianapolis area.

Form #10x (Revised 15Mar10 at 1735)
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For suggestions or questions regarding this Web site please contact Don Hawkins at: Hawkins@HRH.ooo or 317-632-0500 Cell
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