Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc.
Office & Warehouse - 2457 E Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46201
HHOOT's Diner is now closed - Please visit Meals Around Town

(317) 635-0500 Voice | (317) 632-0500 Cell | Mail@HRH.ooo
Our  HRH & HHOOT's  P r o g r a m s  Page
Homeless & ReEntry Helpers (HRH)
HRH’s mission is to offer an Information & Referral Web Site (Community Resource Center) for the Homeless & ReEntry Industry.  HRH’s web site is for those in need; as well as case workers, service providers, parole & probation officers, pastors, mentors, volunteers, landlords, and organizations who help those in need, we call "Our HELPERS."  Contact: Don Hawkins at Hawkins@HHOOT.com. HRH's mission is also to provide the non-profit industry with a Conference & Training Center that will allow them to meet and greet on a monthly basis so they can get to know each other and better serve their clients.  HRH currently has three conference/meeting rooms available for those purposes.
Indy's Rapid Response Team (IRRT) - Restarting in February 2017
The IRRT meets on the 3rd Monday of each month.  This community advisory board was the creation of Don Hawkins.  IRRT’s Mission is to reduce recidivism and homelessness by strengthening and supporting local service providers engaged in helping our ExOffenders, our Homeless, our Veterans and our Seniors obtain the information and resources they need to become more self-sufficient, productive and successful citizens so they can build a better future for themselves, their families and their community.
 HRH's Resource Center & HRH's Support Coaches - Restarting in January 2017
HRH is open for anyone who needs help Monday thru Friday from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.  If you do not have access to the internet, please call or stop by HRH's offices and talk to one of our Support Coaches, they will refer you to Service Providers (we call Our HELPERS) listed on HRH's web site and other available sources, that we believe are trained, equipped and qualified to HELP you Contact: Joyce Yant at JoyceY@HHOOT.com.
HRH’s Mission is to 1) Identify and document local Service Providers that currently offer goods, services and other resources to those in need; 2) Train our Support Coaches on how to build relationships with those in need; and, 3) Share that training and information with the below groups.
Community Leaders, Judges, Police, Officers, Jails, Prisons, Work Release Centers, Probation & Parole Officers, Chaplains & Pastors, Mentors & Tutors, Case Managers - These organizations now have a single source (HRH) they can call and/or send their clients to for the help they need.
ExOffenders (those just out of prison or jail) Offenders (persons still in prison or jail), Veterans, Returning Veterans & those in a Homeless status - These groups now have a single source (HRH) they can visit that can provide them with information and referrals for the goods and services they will need, as well as a hot meal, clothing and/or just someone to talk to.
Helpers Helping Others Outreach Team (HHOOT) HHOOT's Gathering & Other Special Events
HHOOT’s mission is to bring Volunteers, Street Outreach, Street Ministries & Service Providers together to better serve our Homeless, our Seniors, our Veterans, and Offenders & ExOffenders in & out of our Prisons & Jails.  If you have the passion and the heart for helping those in need, HHOOT wants to help you help them!  Contact: Don Hawkins at Hawkins@HHOOT.com. HHOOT has two events a year where we transport our Homeless Friends to various locations for an all day retreat.  HHOOT and various Street Ministries also provide an annual Thanksgiving Dinner and Christmas for our Homeless Friends.  This year HHOOT and Enriched Lives are also sponsoring a FREE Super Bowl Event for our Homeless Friends.  Contact: Don Hawkins at Hawkins@HHOOT.com.
HHOOT's Diner HRH Housing Partners
HHOOT and several Street Ministries have joined forces to serve our Homeless Friends indoors instead of outdoors.  We are currently serving a hot meal every Thursday & Friday evenings from 6:00 to 8:00 PM and Saturday and Sunday from 3:00 to 5:00 PM.  By the end of Summer we expect to be serving 7 days per week.  Contact: Gene Miller at Gene@HHOOT.com. Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc. (HRH) has developed an HRH Housing Partners program.  This program allows HRH to partner with private investors to purchase Surplus Properties from the Marion County Treasurer's office and the Department of Metropolitan Development.  These properties are then rehabbed, sold, rented or leased to low income families.  HRH Housing Partners have purchased, rehabbed and sold almost 200 properties since May 2011.
Earn A Bicycle Earn A Computer
HRH is developing an "Earn a Bicycle" program for those who are homeless and need transportation. HRH is developing an "Earn a Computer" program for those who need a computer.
FREE Haircut Day  
Free haircuts on the 2nd Tuesday of every month from 10:00 to 3:00 PM at HRH  
HRH's ReEntry Helpers Monthly Meeting HHOOT's Homeless Helpers Monthly Meeting
Interested in helping or working with those in and out of our prisons and jails?  HRH's ReEntry Helpers meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 5:30 PM.  Stop by and see what is going on in your community to help. Interested in helping or working with the homeless?  HHOOT's Homeless Helpers meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 5:30 PM.  Stop by and visit with those who are already giving a helping hand.
(Revised 23Nov15 at 1200)
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Copyright (c) 2007-2021 by Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc., 2457 E Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46201 | 317-635-0500 Voice
For suggestions or questions regarding this Web site please contact Don Hawkins at: Hawkins@HRH.ooo or 317-632-0500 Cell
HRH.ooo | VeteransHelpers.com | IndyHelpers.com | HHOOT.com | HelpHRH.com
All Rights Reserved - Click here to view our Disclaimer | (Revised 1Jul19 at 0030 by DEH)