Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc.
Office & Warehouse - 2457 E Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46201
HHOOT's Diner is now closed - Please visit Meals Around Town

(317) 635-0500 Voice | (317) 632-0500 Cell | Mail@HRH.ooo
Our   P a s t   N e w s l e t t e r s   Page
If you have information to share via our Weekly Newsletter, email: Hawkins@IndianaHelpers.com
The deadline for our next Newsletter is the end of the day each Friday.

Our Newsletter and your email address will not be used for any political, and/or
commercial (for-profit) purposes.  Your email address will be used for HRH purposes only.
It will not be sold, rented, or distributed to anyone for any reason.

    3Jun09 Mentor Bulletin
1Jun09 -  25May09 - none 19May09 IUL Career Fair
18May09 - 11May09 none, system error 4May09 - Grants
27Apr09 - 20Apr09 - 13Apr09 - Resource Fair
6Apr09 - 3Apr09 -Resource Fair 30Mar09
25Mar09 - Power Point 23Mar09 -Bonding/Tax Credits 16Mar09 -
9Mar09 - Grants 2Mar09 - Stimulus Package 23Feb09 -
16Feb09 - Taxes 9Feb09 - Lloyd Promoted 2Feb09 - None
26Jan09 - Apollo 13 19Jan09 - I took off 12Jan09 - 1st in 2009
5Jan09 - I took off 29Dec08 - I took off 22Dec08 - Christmas
15Dec08 - Mayor's Challenge 8Dec08 - none we moved 1Dec08 - IBJ Article
24Nov08 - Our 501 (c)(3) 17Nov08 - 10Nov08 -
7Nov08 - Pack the Pantry 3Nov08 - Voting 27Oct08 -
20Oct08 - New Directory 13Oct08 - Job Fairs 10Oct08 - Bulletin
7Oct08 - Bulletin 6Oct08 - QuickTopics 29Sep08 - HRH's Board
22Sep08 - Angels Wings 15Sep07 - Ike 8Sep08 -
1Sep08 - Job Fair Results 25Aug08 - No News 18Aug08 - City Grants
11Aug08 - Web Site Update 4Aug08 - Mayor's Job Fair 28Jul08 - New Service Providers
21Jul08 - New Brochure 14Jul08 - Black Expo 7Jul08 - No News
30Jun08 - Our Data Base 23Jun08 - 2 New Sections 16Jun08 on Junk Mail
16Jun08 - Editors Note 9Jun08 - PREF Judy Helms 2Jun08 - PREF Appreciation Day
28May08 on Task Force 16May08 - on Junk Mail 13May08 - PREF Resumes
22Apr08 on PREF 18Apr08 on FYI Page 14Apr08 - Notice on PREF Hiring Fair
31Mar08 New FYI Page 27Mar08 on PCF Dinner 25Mar08 - Our Intro

Form #13 (Revised 21Apr09 at 0135)

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Copyright (c) 2007-2021 by Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc., 2457 E Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46201 | 317-635-0500 Voice
For suggestions or questions regarding this Web site please contact Don Hawkins at: Hawkins@HRH.ooo or 317-632-0500 Cell
HRH.ooo | VeteransHelpers.com | IndyHelpers.com | HHOOT.com | HelpHRH.com
All Rights Reserved - Click here to view our Disclaimer | (Revised 1Jul19 at 0030 by DEH)