Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc.
Office & Warehouse - 2457 E Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46201
HHOOT's Diner is now closed - Please visit Meals Around Town

(317) 635-0500 Voice | (317) 632-0500 Cell | Mail@HRH.ooo
Our   A b o u t   H R H   Page

HRH & HHOOT's Mission Statements

Homeless & ReEntry Helpers (HRH)
HRH’s mission is to offer an Information & Referral Web Site (Community Resource Center) for the Homeless & ReEntry Industry.  HRH’s web site is for those in need, their case workers, service providers, parole & probation officers, pastors, mentors,  volunteers, landlords, and businesses who help those in need, we call "Our HELPERS".
Helpers Helping Others Outreach Team (HHOOT)
HHOOT’s mission is to bring Volunteers, Street Outreach, Street Ministries & Service Providers together to better serve our Homeless, our Seniors, our Veterans, and Offenders & ExOffenders in & out of our Prisons & Jails.  If you have the passion and the heart for helping those in need, HRH and HHOOT wants to help you help them!
Our Problem Then:  We knew that most people in need of help obtaining a meaningful job, housing, transportation, food, clothing, etc. usually did not have the tools necessary to find that help.  We knew there were multiple service providers out there that had the ability to help people but they did not know where all of those people were.  We also knew there were a few information sources available, but again, not everyone knew where or how to find them.  Someone needed to tie all that information together into a central information data base, that everyone could have access to, from a single source, that was easy to use. HRH's Solution Now:  Utilizing today's best information retrieval technology - the internet, Old Don is providing this web site for those who work with the homeless, and those either in, or out of, our jails/prison system with an information data base that lists both "Faith" and "Community Based" organizations (service providers), and businesses that offer various goods and services that help those in need.  This is a FREE resource tool intended to Help "Our Helpers" and those persons reaching out for a better way of life for themselves and their families. HRH is Currently:  Providing information & referral services to persons in need, and to persons and organizations that are Helping persons in need, utilizing our: 1) All-in-One Web Site; 2) Weekly Email Newsletter; 3) Web Site Print-Outs; 4) Network of Volunteers, Teachers, Tutors & Mentors (Our HELPERS).
HRH's Future Goals:  5) Community Bulletin Board; 6) Network of Housing & Job Suppliers; and, 7) Build a Homeless & ReEntry Conference & Training Center that will act as a "Service Bureau" for Service Providers.
HRH Owns these Domain Names:  Presently, they all point to this same site.
HomelessHelpers.com | ReEntryHelpers.com | VeteransHelpers.com | HHOOT.com
| IndianaHelpers.com |
IndyHelpers.com | HelpersHelpingOthers.com
HRHinfo.com | HRHlist.com | CallHRH.com | HelpHRH.com
HRH's Logo's you can add to your web site:
HRH's Brief History - Written 16Jun08 (Revised 27Dec08 & 15Oct09 & 31Jul10 & 18Mar12):
  We have had several people ask us who we are, and why are we offering this web site.  To make a very long story short, the founders name is Don Hawkins and he is an ExOffender, he was discharged from the IN DOC in 2000 after serving 9 months for what he thought should have been a civil matter, but as they say that is another story.
  When his father died in 1964 he quit going to church and kicked God to the curb.  He did not understand why God would take his father and leave his mother with three kids.  When he was in the Marion County Jail 36 years later he started reading the Bible again.  It was there that he realized how stupid he had been to leave God and Jesus Christ out of his life all of those years.  I It was then that the direction in his life was changed. 
  When he was sent to Westville (DOC) they said that he was not going to be there long enough (3 months) to either qualify for a job (at Westville) or enter their ReEntry program, but, that is where he started attending church again.  When he was released. they gave him $75. and a stack of papers that represented their "Going Home" package.  During that time he first realized that ReEntry did not seem to be a priority to DOC.  There was no organization back then like there is today.
  When he returned home he called Dan Berlin from Prison Fellowship Ministries.  Sometime in 2001 Dan introduced him Charlie & Joyce Yant who had a street ministries in downtown Indy of which he became part of.  Sometime in 2002 Dan introduced him to Kim Boyd, Founder of The H.O.P.E. Team.  He was a H.O.P.E. Team Member for several years of which he left on the 8th of March of 2008. 
  For the last six plus years (since Jan04), he has been part of a Bible study group with Charlie & Joyce called  Hands of Hope Ministries, Inc. at the Plainfield Correctional Facility (PCF).  He has been one of Judy Helms' (then Karen Butterworth's, and now Debbie Braun's) mentors since just after the Plainfield ReEntry Educational Facility (PREF) opened.  After Ms. Boyd asked him to sit in for her at one of the Plainfield Community Advisory Board Meetings, Superintendent Mike Lloyd (then Acting Superintendent) asked him to serve on the Community Advisory Board as an individual.  Since then Superintendent Brett Mize of the Pendleton Correctional Facility has asked him to serve on their Community Advisory Board and help them expand their volunteer program.  He now serves on eight Community Advisory Boards in Indiana's prisons.
  In May of 2008, Khadijah Muhammad the new Director of ReEntry, asked him to serve on Mayor Ballard's new Task Force for ReEntry of which he is looking forward to working with her, and Olgen Williams, the new Deputy Mayor.  He is now proud to say that the IN DOC, the Governors office, and the Mayors offices is taking ReEntry very seriously and have been working diligently with the private sector to provide successful ReEntry programs for persons in and out of our prison system.
  In October of 2009 Rhiannon Williams, formerly of PACE/OAR was selected by Mayor Ballard to be the new Director of ReEntry.
  In July 2010 Maxine Bryant was selected by Mayor Ballard to be the new Director of ReEntry.
  In March 2012 Dr. Reverend Jenkins (formally with Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc. and Prison Fellowship Ministries) was selected by Mayor Ballard to be the new Director of ReEntry.  HRH is looking forward to working with him in the coming months and years ahead.
  This web site, weekly email newsletters & bulletin board that he has established is meant to bring together information on goods and services that our government and the private sector have to offer those in need, into a single source, so that "the left hand knows what the right hand is doing".
HRH's Web Site:
The Homeless & ReEntry Helpers Web Site was designed for businesses, teachers, tutors, mentors, case workers, specialists & Helpers of all kinds.  It is meant to be "An All-in-One Information and Referral Web Site that "Helpers" can use to Help those in need!

When Phase II is complete - You can now search our over 1,450 service providers from over 350 topics and 36 categories from 92 Counties in Indiana.

When Phase III is completed, case workers, specialists, probation & parole officers, pastors, service providers, etc. will be able to search for individual jobs, housing, etc. thru a confidential, password protected information base for those in need.

Our Web Site States: “If You Need Help, Please Note”
HRH is only an information gathering and referral service organization.  HRH is not a direct provider of any monies, goods, or services other than providing information and referrals on how to get those monies, goods, or services - via our web site, our email newsletters, and our web site print-outs.  HRH is not qualified nor equipped to help most people in need, or in and out of jail/prison.  For those who call our offices, and don't have access to the Internet, we refer them to Service Providers (Our Helpers) listed on our web site that we believe are equipped and qualified to HELP them.
HRH's Current Mission & Future Goals:
Provide Our participating Service Providers in the Homeless and ReEntry Industry, and the people they serve with the below services.
   1.  An All-in-One Web Site - thru the Internet.
            Compile an information data base of existing service providers that serves our community;
   2.  A Weekly Newsletter - thru Emails.
            Keep our service providers, case workers, volunteers/helpers, etc. informed of the services,
            current and future events in our industry;
   3.  An Information Pass-Out's System - thru Services Providers, Jails, Prisons & Shelters
            Provide printed info to the Homeless and those in and out of the prison system 
   4.  A Network of Volunteers/Helpers - thru the Weekly Newsletter.
            Build a network of; teachers, tutors, mentors, pastors, case workers, specialists, etc.
            to be volunteers/helpers that can help our service providers and those in need;
   5.  A Network of Housing & Job Providers - thru ongoing advertising & telemarketing.
            Build a network of business owners/managers/workers that can supply our service providers
            with new and existing housing & job opportunities to those in need.
   6.  A Homeless and ReEntry Conference and Training Center ("Service Bureau" for Service Providers).
            Provide a location for on-going training; to case workers, service providers,
            parole/probation officers, pastors/chaplains, that will help them help others.
HRH's Weekly Newsletter - (Past Newsletters):
Our Newsletter is designed to be emailed to members of the homeless & reentry industry each weekend.  Our Helpers are teachers, tutors, mentors, case workers, specialists, pastors, business leaders/managers, church leaders, etc.
Our Weekly Newsletter includes information on:
l Our Helpers Events Calendar
l Our Helpers Job Fairs Calendar
l Our Helpers News
l Our Helpers Needs
l Our Helpers Press Releases
l Our Helpers Calendars
l Our Helpers Meetings
l Our Volunteers/Helpers Info
The Deadline for HRH’s next Newsletter is the end of the day each Friday.
HRH's Volunteer/Helper Program:
It’s a Proven Fact, “Together, We Can Make a Difference”
While researching successful, and not so successful homeless and reentry programs around the country we found that the most successful programs (both faith based and community based), were those that had an active base of community volunteers working with the local; government agencies, prisons, and existing service organizations.  Proving that, “Working Together is Better”.  One of HRH’s goals is to help build a successful community volunteer/helper program that will better serve its individuals and their families in need.
Types of Organizations that Serves
 the Homeless & the ReEntry Industry

Our “Helpers” can be found on HRH’s Web Site
Our Web Site, Our Weekly Newsletter’s, and Our Telemarketing Services are focused; first & foremost on the people that are homeless and those in and out of the prison system, and second, on those people and organizations that can and/or want to help those and other people in need.

Government Agencies
   Federal, State, City, County, Townships

Presently and Phase II of our Business Plan, HRH is focused on the ReEntry clients and service providers that help ReEntry clients.

HRH will focus on the Homeless clients within 120 days after the web site data base is completed. 

At present most of the types of organizations listed on this list are working independently of each other.  Most do work with others at times but not to the point they are solving the overall problems for the majority of people needing their services.

HRH is hoping to bring them all together via Our Web Site, Our Weekly Newsletter and Our Telemarketing Services, allowing them to better serve the community.

Prisons & Jails
   Case Workers & Specialists

Probation & Parole Officers
   Case Workers

Churches & Religious Groups
   Chaplains, Pastors & Priests, etc.

Ethnic Groups
   Latinos, Muslims, Asians, & Indians

Universities & Technical Schools
   Teachers, Tutors & Instructors

Service Providers of Goods & Services
   Case Workers & Counselors

Addiction Centers
   Case Workers & Counselors

The Private Sector
   Business Owners & Managers (Jobs)

Hospitals & Clinics
   Care Givers, Psychologists, Therapists
Property Owners & Rental Managers
  To list homes/places to live
Volunteers & Helpers
   Mentors, Advocates & Neighborhood Groups
Family & Friends
   Moms, dads, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, etc.

The People Needing Help Themselves
   It is also their responsibility to try and help themselves, both before and after they get out of prison.

We Want You! - To Be One Of Our Helpers:
If you want to be an HRH Helper and volunteer as a teacher, tutor, or mentor, etc., please give us a call and we can help direct you to an organization that can use your special services and talents.
HRH's Legal Information:
H.R.H. is a Non-Profit, Non-Political, Indiana Corporation that was formed on the 14th of August 2008 | Our Fed ID #: 26-2548161 | Our IN TID #: 0133925595 | Our DUN #: 828277835 | HRH's 501 (c) (3) was approved by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on the 19th of Nov 2008 as a Public Charity.  We don't receive any local government dollars, and hopefully our funding will come from foundation-based grants, sponsorships, and donations.
Form #14 (Revised 21Aug10 at 1130 by DEH)
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Copyright (c) 2007-2021 by Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc., 2457 E Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46201 | 317-635-0500 Voice
For suggestions or questions regarding this Web site please contact Don Hawkins at: Hawkins@HRH.ooo or 317-632-0500 Cell
HRH.ooo | VeteransHelpers.com | IndyHelpers.com | HHOOT.com | HelpHRH.com
All Rights Reserved - Click here to view our Disclaimer | (Revised 1Jul19 at 0030 by DEH)