Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc.
Office & Warehouse - 2457 E Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46201
HHOOT's Diner is now closed - Please visit Meals Around Town

(317) 635-0500 Voice | (317) 632-0500 Cell | Mail@HRH.ooo
Our   D i r e c t o r s   &   S t a f f
Please Note: HHOOT stands for "Helpers Helping Others Outreach Team".  "HHOOT", "HHOOT's Diner" and the future "HHOOT House" are suboardants of Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc. (HRH) which is the Parent Company with the IRS 501 (c) (3) status.
HRH's Board of Directors (Reelected 8Aug15):
  1)  Joyce Yant, Vice-President, Hands of Hope Ministries, Inc.
  2)  Charlie Yant, President, Hands of Hope Ministries, Inc.
  3)  Ron Wilson, Director
  4)  BIll Tanner, Administrative Assistant, Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc.
  5)  Don Hawkins, Founder & CEO, Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc.
HRH & HHOOT's Officers & Staff:
  1)  Don Hawkins, Founder, CEO & Executive Director
  2)  Joyce Yant, Vice-President, Secretary & HRH Support Coach Manager
  3)  Ron Wilson, Director of Construction
  4)  Ralph Parrott, Director of HHOOT's Diner
  5)  xxxxx, Director of Events
  6)  Gene Miller, Director of Ministries
  7)  xxxxx, Director of Programs
  8)  Donna Prince, Director of HRH's Housing Partners
  9)  Judith Wray, Director of HRH's Housing Partners
10)  Bill Tanner, Administration Assistant & Treasurer
11)  Steve Kibler, Manager of HHOOT's Diner
12)  David Williams, Manager of HHOOT's Clothing Pantry
13)  xxxxx, HRH Support Coach
14)  xxxxx, HRH Support Coach
15)  xxxxx, HRH Support Coach
Past Board Members that helped HRH thru our start-up years:
     Willie Jenkins, Director of ReEntry, Prison Mentor Trainer
     Maxine Bryant, President, Bryant Educational Seminars & Training, Inc.
     Rhiannon Williams-Edwards, Executive Director, PACE
     Mary Z Longstreth, Director, Faith in Community Ministry
     Theresa (Terri) Garcia, Executive Director, Southeast Community Services
     Bill Vernon, President, Omega Design Studio, Inc.
     Marshall Shackelford, Manager, Mays Chemical Company
     John Brandon, President/Executive Director, MCCOY Inc.
     Gregg Keesling, President & CEO, RecycleForce
     Peggy Frame, Executive Director, Training, Inc.
     Carlette Duffy, Prevention Specialist,Southeast Community Services
Form #14 (Revised 15Nov15 at 2120 by DEH)
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Copyright (c) 2007-2021 by Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc., 2457 E Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46201 | 317-635-0500 Voice
For suggestions or questions regarding this Web site please contact Don Hawkins at: Hawkins@HRH.ooo or 317-632-0500 Cell
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All Rights Reserved - Click here to view our Disclaimer | (Revised 1Jul19 at 0030 by DEH)