Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc.
Office & Warehouse - 2457 E Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46201
HHOOT's Diner is now closed - Please visit Meals Around Town

(317) 635-0500 Voice | (317) 632-0500 Cell | Mail@HRH.ooo
Our Reference & Research Page
ReEntry Information
Indiana Department of Correction
A Guide to Facilitating Employment
for Persons Who Are ExOffenders
D.O.J. ReEntry Web Site
ReEntry Resource Map
Indiana Department of Correction
Offender Population Statistical Report
Summary - June 2008
Have a criminal justice, juvenile
justice, or drug-related question?
Search the NCJRS
Questions & Answers database.
National Media Research
ReEntry Web Site
Indiana Department of Correction
Recidivism Rates
Compared 2005-2007

NCJRS - National Criminal
 Justice Reference Service

National Media Research
ReEntry Web Site - Videos
The White House
Faith-Based Initiative
Prisoner Re-Entry Initiative

Legal Action Center
Fight discrimination against people
with histories of addiction,
HIV/AIDS, or criminal records

Ready 4 Work
Business Prospectives on
ExOffender ReEntry
White House Faith Based
& Community Initiatives
Targeting Human Needs

A Loved One Is In Jail
What Do I Do Now?
Books that may help!

Ready 4 ReEntry
Prisoner ReEntry ToolKit
One-page fact sheet on the
Second Chance Act of 2007

The National HIRE Network
Individuals w/Criminal Records

Employment Information
for ExOffenders - D.O.L. 2005
CLASP's Summary of the
Second Chance Act

Getting Back to Work
Programs for ExOffenders

U.S. Dept of Justice
ReEntry Web Site
National H.I.R.E. Network
Job Opportunities Information
for people with criminal records

ReEntry Policy Council
A Project of:
The Justice Center

Concerns about Hiring ..
Incentives for Employers
OPEN, Inc.
Offender Preparation &
Educational Network

Billy Graham Centre
Institute for Prison Ministries
Training & Resource Center

Mentoring ExPrisoners
A Guide for ReEntry Programs
National HIRE Network
Helping Individuals w/criminal records
Reenter through Employment

National BluePrint for ReEntry

U.S. Department of Justice
ReEntry Web Site

ReEntry Partnership
A Guide to faith-Based
& Community Organizations

US Department of Labor
Evaluation of the Prisoner
ReEntry Initiative Final Report
13 January 2009

National Reentry Resource Center
Provides education, training, and technical assistance to local governments, service
providers, nonprofit organizations, and corrections agencies working on prisoner reentry.

The Center for
Effective Public Policy
Guidebook for the Incarcerated
Veterans in Indiana
Justice Center
on ReEntry
    Justice Center - What Works
in ReEntry Clearinghouse

Homelessness Information

Blueprint to End
Homelessness in Indy - C.H.I.P.

U.S. Dept of Labor
Web Site

From CHIP's Web Site
2008 Homeless Count Shows
Need for Programs in Indianapolis

Partnership to End
Long Term Homelessness

U.S. Dept of Housing
& Urban Development
The Homelessness Resource Exchange

Projects for Assistance in
Transition from Homelessness

National Veterans
Technical Assistance Center
National Alliance
to End Homelessness
Web Site

Not-for-Profit Information

Starting a Non-Profit Organization:
Filling Out the Forms
You're a 501(c) (3) .. Now What?
IRS Web Site & Forms
Tax Information for Charities
& Other Non-Profits

Pub 5557 (Jun08)
Tax-Exempt Status
 for Your Organization

United Way of Central IN
NonProfit Training Center
& WorkShops
IRS Form 1023
Instructions for 501 (c) (3)
Recognition of Exemption
IRS Form 1023
Application for a 501 (c) (3)
Recognition of Exemption
Business Ownership Initiative
Calendar of WorkShops
U.S. Labor Department
Directory of Foundation
Workforce Grant Opportunities
Foundation Center
Find New Funders Web Site
U.S. Department of Labor
Center for Faith-Based
& Community Initiatives
Books & Info on Building
Your Board of Directors
Instructions for IRS Form 990
Return of Organization
Exempt From Income Tax
Current Grant Information
Second Chance Act of 2007
Community Safety Through
Recidivism Prevention
Public Law # 110-199
Department of Health & Human Services
Administration for Children and Families
Demonstration Grants--Projects in

Support of the Prisoner Reentry Initiative
The American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act

The Reentry Policy Council Newsletter - guides policymakers and practitioners on how to improve the likelihood that adults released from prison or jail will avoid crime and become productive ......

Office of Federal Grants & Procurement

Reentry Policy Council
Spotlight Announcement - 12/11/2008: Second Chance Act
Grant Solicitation Scheduled for Release, March 2009

Bureau of Justice Assistance
Second Chance Act - Grant Information

The American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act
Competitive Grant Funding Opportunities

U.S. Department of Labor
Directory of Foundation
Workforce Grant Opportunities

Office of the Governor
The American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act

General Information
Access to Recovery
Office of National Drug
Control Policy
A Great Indy Reference Guide
Great Indy Neighborhoods
Resource Neighborhood Guide
Results & Outcomes Associated with the
Faith-Based and Community Initiative

An Entrepreneur's Guide to
Starting A Business in Indiana
Indiana Secretary of State

Info about the Sickle Cell
Disease from Tony Dungy
Form #9 (Revised 19Feb10 at 2040 by DEH)
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Copyright (c) 2007-2021 by Homeless & ReEntry Helpers, Inc., 2457 E Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46201 | 317-635-0500 Voice
For suggestions or questions regarding this Web site please contact Don Hawkins at: Hawkins@HRH.ooo or 317-632-0500 Cell
HRH.ooo | VeteransHelpers.com | IndyHelpers.com | HHOOT.com | HelpHRH.com
All Rights Reserved - Click here to view our Disclaimer | (Revised 1Jul19 at 0030 by DEH)